Around The Classes

Class 3S English

Class 3S are learning about review writing, with the focus on gaming. This definitely grabbed their interest and they enjoyed trying some CBeebies games and then reflecting on them, writing notes to eventually write into a review.

Mrs Webb
Head of English

Class 4C Geography

This term 4C are starting a topic that is important to everyone - sustainability and the use of single use plastic. Pupils were introduced to the concept of sustainability and realised that if we carry on producing waste at the rate we are now, then we will fill up the land and seas with nonbiodegradable items. The children were already showing signs of frustration and anger regarding this topic that their generation will have to deal with. Here is a link if you are interested too.

What is sustainability? - BBC Bitesize 

Ms Forth
Deputy Head

Class 4C English

Class 4C held their noses as we made a start on our next English unit, based on the modern fiction book 'Mr Stink'. This week we've looking closely at the different ways characters can be portrayed through description, actions and dialogue, inferring and predicting what those characters might do in different scenarios. 

Ms Clark
Class 4C Form Teacher

Class 5F History

Mr Thackway stepped in to cover the Year 5 History lesson earlier in the week. The children enjoyed a really interesting discussion about the differences between primary and secondary evidence when finding about history and the past. We all agreed that primary sources were the best but there was also the caveat that they could be biased.

To illustrate this we looked at two different stories of the same football match told by supporters of each of the teams. They both had a very different view of what had gone on and strangely the referee seemed to be a completely different person in each of the stories! 

Crescent School

Class 5F Talking Textiles

Class 5F have been busy adding the finishing touches to their wonderful illustrative piece of textiles. They have enjoyed using ideas personal to them and exploring different ways of applying colour and texture to the fabric.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art
View Gallery

Class 6W PSHE

We are completing our PSHE topic from last term this week on Healthy ME. Part of this is being aware of different drugs and how they affect our bodies and reflecting on how we may feel about this when we grow up and meet peer pressure. This week we watched a video about alcohol and interesting and inciteful discussions were had.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher
View Gallery

Class 6W Art - Landscape Paintings

Class 6W have been creating their own landscape paintings. They have worked hard to develop their colour skills and have produced the most fantastic pieces of artwork.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art
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