Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

As we arrive at the end of the sixth week of the term, the half term holiday starts to come into view. In the final week we have plenty to look forward to as usual, culminating with the non-uniform day in aid of the Bwengu project on Friday.

On Tuesday of this week, we had a visit from a representative of the Birmingham Children’s Hospital who came to accept a cheque of £3,783, raised by the school. It was pleasing to have Mrs. Williams in attendance, as well as Mrs O'Connell who represented the Friends of Crescent, who have done so much to coordinate the school’s fundraising.

You will be able to see some lovely photos of this event elsewhere in the Courier. Three children from Year 6 introduced the assembly with a talk about the role and history of the NHS, by way of background. Our school promise of the week was to be gentle and caring and this message fits in so well with everything that the NHS does for us and for our country.

One interesting snippet from the presentation was the fact that the NHS was founded in 1948, the same year Crescent School was founded, of which we are particularly well aware this year as we celebrate our 75th anniversary.

In that assembly we also shared a quiet prayer for the desperate situation that is occurring in Turkey and Syria. We repeated a similar sentiment on Friday. The children have a limited understanding of a disaster on such a terrible scale, but it is important to recognise the desperation and suffering of so many people in that part of the world, and to share our deepest sympathies.

It is a significant weekend ahead for me, as we are travelling down to Dartmouth to see our son James, who has completed the first six weeks of his Royal Navy officer training. By the sound of it, it has been very intense, both physically and mentally, but all the signs are that he is really enjoying the challenge. We will get to see him parading and exercising as well as taking part in various services. He does also get a little bit of ‘shore time’ when we will be able to share a meal and stay overnight in a local inn.

Whatever you have planned for the weekend, I hope you are able to enjoy some rest and relaxation with your families.

Joe Thackway