Weekly Information

Weekly Calendar

Below is the link for next week's school calendar:  

Weekly Calendar - 15 November 2021 

Reception Construction Club, Outdoor Learning and Yoga have now switched to Group 2.

Games Afternoon
Games aftenoon for Years 3 - 6 switches to the Michaelmas 2 scedule from this week.  This has been previously circulated to parents.
Co-Curricular Sport
As you will no doubt have noticed, it goes dark now just after 4.30pm. To keep the children safe, we are going to finish outside co-curricular sport at 4.30pm for the rest of this term.  You are welcome to collect the children then or they will be looked after by the staff until 4.45pm as normal.

Please check SOCS for all dates.

After School provision can be booked through My School Portal:


Crescent School