Welcome to The Courier, Crescent School's electronic newsletter.

The Horton Centre was officially opened today and the sun shone long enough for the children to be outside.  

The cover photo is of the biscuits made for the Horton Centre Opening today. Every pupil got to have one at break time.

Do read on to see what else has been happening in school this week.

Click here to email the Courier.


Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

It has been a very busy week for me personally, as well as all the staff here, as we have welcomed the Independent Schools Inspectors onto the site. This has been a four-day inspection where they have looked at all aspects of the safe running of the school as well as the quality of the education that we provide. As I go to press, I have no news on the outcome of the inspection, but we will of course let all of the parents know as soon as we are able to do so.

I have though been able to see the responses of both parents and children to the surveys that were sent out earlier in the week. Many thanks indeed to everyone who responded. I know that the inspectors were very impressed with the rate of response, which was much higher than it is in many schools. I also know that many parents felt able to give us strong and positive feedback on all aspects of school life. At the same time, of course, I also listen to the smaller number of people who were less happy and we will take these responses seriously as we move forward.

Whatever the outcome of an inspection, it is always a learning experience for a school and that is very much how I look at these things. It is an opportunity to improve and develop new strategies to help us educate your children better and further enhance our pastoral care system for personal development.

Today we also welcomed Rugby’s Deputy Mayor to the school to open the Horton Centre. The children were very excited by his appearance, although I think for the younger ones there was some confusion between who were the inspectors and who was the mayor. It was a very jolly occasion, and I know that the children enjoyed their special biscuits after the event. The Horton Centre will be open for parents during the open corridor session next Friday and I hope you are able to come and have a look around.

Next week we also have our first parents’ consultation meetings of the year. You will notice that some will happen in person, whilst others will take place online and on Teams. Our intention is to look at each consultation evening individually and decide on the correct format for that particular meeting. We consulted with parents at the end of last school year and this seems to be the most sensible way forward. Online meetings work in lots of instances, but for younger children, and when it is important to see work in books, then we prefer to bring parents in to the school.

If you are coming along next week I hope to see you then and I wish everyone a relaxing weekend.

Joe Thackway


Weekly Information

Weekly Calendar

Below is the link for next week's school calendar:  


Please ensure payments are made for any external co-curricular clubs.

There is still availability on some After School Clubs, please let Mrs Tucker know if your child would like to join any. 

After School provision can be booked through My School Portal:


Crescent School


Rugby’s Deputy Mayor Declares Crescent’s New Horton Centre Officially Open

Crescent School welcomed Rugby’s Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Cade, on Friday 1 October 2021 to officially open The Horton Centre. Councillor Cade was joined by his wife Deputy Mayoress, Mrs Catherine Cade, Foundation Head, Ed Hester, Chair of Trustees, Mrs Liz Griffin, and Trustee, Cmdre Bernard Warner, for the opening ceremony.

What was once the old nursery building now includes a new teaching room, break out learning spaces, dedicated Music and Drama rooms and space for the school’s After Care Club. Linked by a new corridor, the fully refurbished block makes a perfect addition to the school’s growing needs.

In a welcome to the gathered audience of pupils, staff, invited guests and trustees, Headmaster, Mr Joe Thackway, thanked the visitors for coming and spoke of the school’s excitement at the new facilities. Led by the Head Boy, Rohan Somerset, and Head Girl, Evie Bierton, pupil representatives from across the school announced in turn all the different activities that would take place within the new centre.

The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Cade, spoke of his delight at being welcomed into the school to officially open the new building before the school’s brass band played a celebratory fanfare and the Deputy Mayor cut the ceremonial ribbon and declared the building open. He then posed for official photographs with the invited guests and excited children.

After refreshments the Headmaster, Mr Thackway, took the Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress on a short tour of the new building and the school. The Deputy Mayor commented on the opportunities the Horton Centre would provide for the Performing Arts and enjoyed being welcomed into the classrooms by the excited children.

After watching the ceremony from the playground, pupils at the school enjoyed a special celebratory cookie before returning to lessons and the business of the day.

View Gallery

Crescent Circular And Parent Information Booklet

We have sent home a copy of the Circular which is a look back over the last academic year for all year groups.

Also there is a Parent Information Booklet which contains all school information including uniform requirements, teacher information etc.

Crescent School

Royal Mail Stamp Competition

The regional finalists have now been announced and notified for the Heroes Stamp Design Competition. Unfortunately, none of our entries made it to the final 120. The standard of the entries was incredibly high, so don't be downhearted.  You can view the final 120 here (by region).

There were so many entries that it made it into the Guinness Book of World Records! 

Many thanks to all those who entered, celebrating those who have supported us through the pandemic.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head

Current Uniform Expectations - Reminder

In the first half of the Autumn Term children should come to school in summer uniform together with their school blazers whilst the temperatures are still reasonably mild.  Parents can use their discretion to send children in winter uniform if the weather turns cooler or if it is raining.

After the half term break all children are expected to be in full winter uniform.  Parents can again then use their discretion as to whether blazers or the school coat are more appropriate for the weather at the time.

When it does get really cold we do need all the children to have their coats in school so we can make a decision on outdoor break times.

Please note hair should be tied back.

Thank you for your cooperation with these guidelines.

Joe Thackway

Xmas4schools Christmas Cards - Reminder

We are purchasing our fundraising Christmas cards from a Xmas4schools. Please look out for your child bringing home an order card that has the ordering details on one side and the actual space where the design must be on the other.

Please fill in details and keep to the class name as RP, RE, 1LS, 1SS 2W, 3Y, 4M, 5F or 6W. Also, there is a price guide as to what products you will also be able to buy when the design is complete. 

The design guidelines are: 

  • Do not go too near the edge as the printer will cut it off- you must be 1cm away all around.
  • Do use felt tip, ink, pencil crayons, gel pens - brighter the better- pale does not show up.
  • Do use collage if you want - but well stuck down.
  • Do use glitter glue if you want.
  • Do not use sprinkle glitter- it falls off!
  • Do not use large areas of metallic finishes- it will not look shiny.
  • Do cover up as much of the white space as you can.
  • Do make any text big as the process will reduce the size of the design.

The design card with details, must be returned as soon as possible. The deadline is Tuesday 5 October 2021. We cannot accept or send any late orders after this date.

FoC will receive a donation for every product ordered, so do get designing! Please note that this is not the Crescent School Christmas card competition, but items just for yourselves.

Please click on the photos in the gallery which provide information.

Season's Greetings!

Ms Forth
Deputy Head teacher
View Gallery

Individual And Siblings Photographs Proofs

Photo proofs have been sent home with children today. All photographs should be ordered online at www.pics4schools.com.  

All details can be found on the proof card with your unique security code. The deadline for orders to ensure free delivery to school is Friday 15 October 2021.

Please do contact Mr Lloyd if you have any queries, his details are on the proof card.

Crescent School

School Uniform Items Stocked At School

The following items are stocked in the School Office and can be added to your account:

  • Winter hats
  • Scarves
  • Gloves
  • Ties
  • Swimming hats
  • Sports socks
  • Hair bands
  • Hair scrunchies
  • Hair clips
  • Sun hats
  • Music group badges - Choir, Orchestra, String, Brass and Wind

Please do contact admin@crescentschool.co.uk in if you need any of the above items.

Crescent School Office


Parent Consultation Evening For Pre-Prep

Monday 4 October 2021 - 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Thursday 14 October 2021 - 4.00m to 6.00pm

We all value the importance of these meetings to discuss your child's academic progress. They will be held in your child's classroom.

If you haven't aleady booked your appointment please do so following the link sent out last week.

The playground will be open to park in for both sessions.  Please can you come to the Mortimer Foyer doors down the bottom of the playground.  There you will be met by Mr Thackway and me, who will direct you to the correct place to meet the form tutors. There will also be refreshments available to you. 

We do ask that all parents wear a mask when in public areas of the school, unless eating and drinking and we would appreciate it if children and siblings do not attend, so that we can keep control on numbers and everybody's safety.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head



Parent Consultation Evening For Years 3, 4 And 5

Thursday 7 October - 5.00pm to 7.00pm

Monday 11 October - 6.30pm to 8.30pm

We all value the importance of these meetings to discuss your child's academic progress.  These will be running via Teams meetings.

If you haven't aleady booked your appointment please do so following the link sent out last week.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head



Crescent School Open Day For Prospective Parents

Friday 8 October 2021 - 10.00am to 3.00pm

We are opening our doors for an Open Day on Friday 8 October.

This is an opportunity for prospective families to look around the school. Visits will be by appointment only in order to keep our pupils, staff and visitors safe. Please register your interest in attending our Open Day. To book your place please click here.

We have a limited number of places available and are now accepting registrations for admission to Reception, Year 1, 2 and Year 3 in September 2022.

If you can't make the Open Day but would like to visit the school, please call our Registrar, Mrs Helen Morley on 01788 521595 or email admissions@crescentschool.co.uk and come on a day to suit you, we welcome visitors on most days.

For more information visit www.crescentschool.co.uk

Open Corridors

Friday 8 October 2021 - 3.45pm to 4.15pm

We would very much like to welcome you to look around the corridors on Friday 8 October. This is an opportunity for your children to tour you around and show you their work on the wall.

We are asking that only one adult attends per family so we can keep a control on numbers. The children will need to be signed out by the form tutors first and when there is not a bottleneck in the doorway, you can come in. All adults and children of a senior school age must wear a mask in school.

Please be aware that this is not a time to talk to the teachers concerning your child, please email them separately if you have concerns.

As with all events this is subject to cancellation if we risk assess that it is not safe due to Covid. We will of course communicate this as soon as we can.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Harvest Service

Tuesday 12 October and Wednesday 13 October 2021 

This year we are very excited to be holding two Harvest Festivals, one for Pre-Prep on Wednesday 13 October and one for Upper School (Year 3-6) on Tuesday 12 October - this is slightly different to what was in the calendar. These will both start at 9am but you are welcome, after drop off, for light refreshments before the service in the library.

I am afraid we are asking that only one adult per child attends due to safety and space in the hall. We will also request that your wear a mask when in the hall during the service and when not eating or drinking. 

The service will be less than an hour and will be a mixture of songs, readings, music and prayers to celebrate the Harvest.

Please note that all events are subject to change, we risk assess all events and activities in line with Covid risks and numbers. We will communicate with parents as soon as any decisions have been made.

Please book via My School Portal using the links below, you must book in for this:

Harvest Service - Upper School

Harvest Service - Pre-Prep

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head 

Harvest Festival Donations For Rugby Food Bank

As we approach Harvest Festival, we do so with a thankful heart for all that we have.

Once again, we shall be supporting the valuable work of the Rugby Foodbank by asking families to donate non-perishable items to help many who are struggling at this time. Rugby Foodbank has kindly sent us a 'wish list' of items they would welcome for the coming weeks and months ahead to boost their stocks over the winter.:

Foodbank - Harvest Festival Shopping List 2021:

  • Tinned potatoes
  • Tinned meat/pies/hot dogs
  • Tinned fish
  • Tinned/Packet snack meals
  • Packet mashed potato
  • Tinned custard
  • Tinned fruit
  • Coffee
  • Pot noodles
  • Instant noodles
  • Jam
  • Spreads
  • Washing up liquid
  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorants
  • Men's toiletries

We are asking that all donations be brought in on Monday 11 October, to the pupil entrance, where representatives of the School Council will receive your donations and bring them into school ready for our Harvest Services that week. 

Many thanks in advance for your continued support of this local cause.

Mrs Stapleton
Head of RE

11+ Scores And Placings For Year 6

Friday 15 October 2021  3.00pm to 5.00pm

Any Year 6 parents who wish to discuss their child's 11+ results and implications are welcome to see Mr Thackway and myself between 3.00pm and 5.00pm on Friday 15 October - please just drop in via the main school entrance. 

If you are unable to make the drop in session please do email me to arrange an alternative time.

Even if you do not feel that you wish to have a discussion, please inform us of the position and scores of your child. The local authority does not inform us and we need the results for our records.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Tutor


Accelerated Reader Achievements

Congratulations to Alex for reading 500,000 worrds.  He is the first pupil to reach this milestone this term.

Well done Alex! 

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Accelerated Reader Top Quizzers And Word Wizards

This week's Accelerated Reader Superstars are:

Top Quizzers are:

  • 3Y  Toni
  • 4M  Edward F
  • 5F   Harry 
  • 6W  Rohan

Word Wizards are:

  • 3Y  Nora
  • 4M Hattie
  • 5F  Tegan
  • 6W Drew
Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Times Table Rockstars

Results for All Class Battle 23 - 30 September 2021 - well done 5F:

  • 1st place - Class 5F with 6,603 points
  • 2nd place - Class 3Y with 3,493 points
  • 3rd place - Class 6W with 3,292 points

Most valuable players in the whole competition:

  • 1st Bryson 5F
  • 2nd Theo M 2W
  • 3rd Lewis 3Y

Last week most improved speedsters are:

  • 3Y Nora - Wannabe
  • 3Y Edward M - Wannabe
  • 3Y Roisin - Wannabe
  • 5F Tegan - Support Act
  • 5F Annalise - Wannabe

See the poster attached to see what your next level and speed needs to be. 

The program creates a bespoke training course for each user, levels have been changed to percentages. Landmarks are 24% (was L100), 48% (was L200), 72% (was L300) and complete 100% (was L420)

Pupils who have reached landmark % on automatic training mode in the Garage and Gigs and therefore are awarded JDVs for Maths Practice:

  • Dorrit 6W 72%
  • Sachin 6W 24%
  • Rohan 6W 24%

I have also set up a new all class 'Battle' 30 September - 7 October 2021. Please note only the children should play on their account or it influences the level appropriate to them.

Stay Calm and Rock On!!

Art Frizzmeister 
Deputy Head

Playground Conduct Awards

This week's Good Citizens Playground Conduct certificates have been awarded to Sofie and Darius.

Thank you for always being helpful putting tables and chairs away at the end of lunchtimes.

Lunchtime Supervisors


Around The Classes

Reception Roundup

Please click on the link below to read all about what the Reception Classes have been learning this week.  Please scroll through the gallery of photos attached to this article.

Reception Round Up - 1 October 2021

Mrs Pullen and Mrs Emery
Reception Class Teachers
View Gallery

Class 1LS Secure Number Sentences

Class 1LS have been securing their number sentences to 5, 6 and 10, and looking for patterns in the sums. Smarties proved very popular to count with, and although we couldn’t eat the ones we have counted with, Mrs Symons had a few spares for each person. The children found the pattern in the number sentences brilliantly!

Mrs Symons
Class 1LS Form Teacher
View Gallery

Class 1LS English

Class 1LS have also been practising reading and writing words with -ie and -igh in. The children played a ‘Roll and Read’ game together, and were excellent at using their phonics to sound out new words.

Mrs Symons
Class 1LS Form Teacher
View Gallery

Class 3Y RE

In our RE lesson this week, we have been learning about objects which are special in the Hindu faith. We learnt about the importance of the holy shrine in homes and the special place Murtis hold in Hinduism. The children took photos of objects which are special in their homes and uploaded these to Seesaw. We were able to use the iPads in the lesson to share the special items with each other and use the wide range of tools on Seesaw to explain their significance. 

Mrs Yates
Class 3Y Form Teacher
View Gallery

Saira Audition

Saira went to London on Tuesday 28 September where she was filming for a short film at The Danceworks Studio in London Mayfair! She was playing a ballerina in a dance class. 

Well done Saira.

Crescent School



View Gallery

Everly - Gymnastic Success

Everly in Class 2W's Mum sent in a lovely email "We are very proud of Everly tonight. She was awarded a trophy by her gymnastics class for being ‘beautiful on beam’. There are 1,300 gymnasts at her club and they only award 12 trophies each summer, unfortunately we were away for the ceremony!"

Congratulations Everly.

Crescent School

School Promise

School Promise Rule Of The Week

For a two or three week period this year we will be focusing on one of the sayings in the new School Promise. We will talk about this in assembly and in form period. It would be great if you could discuss this with your children at home and support the messages we are emphasising in school.

This week we feature Good Learners and a good motto for our Year 6 children as they approach their entrance exams:

‘We work hard and try our best'

Mr Webb
Assistant Head


U8 And U9 Girls Hockey vs Bilton Grange And Crackley Hall

There was much excitement for the Year 3 and 4s games lesson as the girls were venturing out for their first matches of the year. For many it was their first match representing Crescent and the excitement on the minibus was palpable.

The U8s played Bilton Grange first and it was end to end action with both teams having chances to score. Nora showed great positioning in defence, while Sofia, Roisin and Sophie battled hard in the midfield. Toni and MingYi fought hard up front, but at half time there had been no goals. After a quick team talk and drink it was back to action and despite making some great chances Crescent was unable to score while a quick break from Bilton Grange allowed them to take the lead. This score was doubled from a goal mouth scramble to finish the match 2-0.

Crackley Hall were next up and Crescent used the confidence gained from their first match to quickly take charge. Right from the whistle the girls were strong in their tackles and pushed forward into scoring positions with Sophie forcing the ball over the line. This was quickly followed by a pacy break from Roisin who calmly slotted in the second. Crescent continued to play with determination in the second half, getting to the ball first and moving into attacking positions and this resulted in another goal for Roisin and one for Toni. A very impressive start to their hockey at Crescent, well done girls.

The U9s were raring to go for our match with Bilton Grange.

It was a fast-paced match with the girls showing all they have been learning in their lessons. Maggie scored our first goal with a second coming close behind from Sofie. After a half time team talk Bilton Grange came out fighting and our defenders, Hattie, Alice and Roisin had to work hard. They did manage to score two fairly quick goals, levelling the score. Crescent stepped up their game and came back with a goal from Shayla and then another from Sofie. The final score was 4-2, well played girls!

Mrs Dowling and Mrs Calder
Teaching Assistants

FoC Events

FoC Active October - Draycote Water Sponsored Walk

Sunday 3 October 2021 - 10.30am

Last year we made some lovely memories during Active October. This year we are returning to one of our favourites, Draycote Water. We would love to challenge your children and you their family to make a sponsored trip around the water, on the path. 

Children are encouraged to walk, cycle, scoot or whatever suits them! Please note they must be accompanied by an adult who remains responsible for them at all times. 

We would love to see your photos of the day (chair@friendsofcrescent.co.uk).

Please download the sponsorship form here.

Nick Brosnan
FoC Chair

FoC - Parents Quiz Night

Friday 15 October 2021 - 7.30pm

We are delighted to say that the quiz night, hosted by Ms Forth, is going ahead! Numbers are limited and teams are strictly 6 people only.  If any year group is unable to make a full team we can make teams from individuals on the evening. The more the merrier! 

Start time is 7.30pm and tickets are £5 per person. We will also be running a fish and chip collection service, however, feel free to bring your own food, snacks & drinks!

The FOC now has a new online payment system.  For tickets to this event, please click on the link below to book your place. 

Please can you book by the end of this week so we can make sure we have enough interest to run the event:


Please note when selecting a meal you need to do it one ticket at a time “add to cart” then select the second meal and ticket - you can then pay for multiple items.

Any problems please contact Lisa Millward on 07865 666044

FoC Chair



FoC Crescent Adventure Total So Far

So far we have raised £2,481 of our £17,000 total.


Hello From The FoC

It’s great to be back and we’re all really excited about the forthcoming school year. Over the next few weeks we’ve got some great events lined up: Active October (03/10) and a Quiz Night (15/10). 

We have a larger fundraiser running this year called 'Crescent Adventure’, which will provide a safe outdoor play area with a wide range of outdoor equipment designed to engage and challenge children physically on the school site. It will help to develop children’s confidence in movement and support better peer relationships while developing a lifelong passion for physical activity. Most funds raised this year will go towards this project. More details to come soon.

The next FoC meeting is on 1 November after which your class rep will feedback to you. 

Thank you for your continued support! And just in case my contact details are below.

FoC Chair

FoC - Contact Information

Below are the details of the FoC Year Group Representatives. These reps will communicate with you on all our events via email, whatsapp or facebook. 

Year Group 1st Rep
Reception RE Emily and Becky
Reception RP Sarah and Alison
Year 1 Hannah and Zainab
Year 2 Vicky and Nicole
Year 3 Sanda and Sally
Year 4 Inez and Karen
Year 5 Emilie and Laynie
Year 6 Semma and Anita


Chair Nick Brosnan chair@friendsofcrescent.co.uk
Vice Chair Lisa Millward vicechair@friendsofcrescent.co.uk
Treasurer  Sarah Harper treasurer@friendsofcrescent.co.uk
Secretary Laura O'Connell secretary@friendsofcrescent.co.uk
Staff Reps
Ms Forth and
Mrs Webb



FoC  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsofcrescent/
More information can also be found on Crescent School website by clicking here:

Nick Brosnan
FoC Chair







Lunch Menu Week Commencing 4 October 2021

Please click below to view the lunch menu: 

Lunch Menu - 4 October 2021

Please note children are able to choose either of the two main lunch options.  

Olive Catering


Useful School Contact Information

Please see below for useful school contact information:

Crescent School Office
01788 521595
Postal address: Crescent School, Bawnmore Road, Bilton, Rugby CV22 7QH
After School Club
Ms Hunte
07467 488440
Bills, Fees and Online Payment
01926 634273
01788 523851
School Shop and Uniform
01926 634272
Princethorpe College General Office
01926 634200
twitter:    @CrescentSchRug
facebook: @cres.school

Term Dates 2021/22 And 2022/23

Please find below term dates for 2021/22 and 2022/23:

Michaelmas Term
Term starts Monday 6 September 2021
Half Term Saturday 16 October to Sunday 31 October 2021
Term ends Tuesday 14 December 2021

Lent Term
Term starts Wednesday 5 January 2022
Half Term Saturday 19 February to Sunday 27 February 2022
Term ends Tuesday 5 April 2022

Trinity Term
Term starts Monday 25 April 2022
May Bank Holiday Monday 2 May 2022 (no school)
Half Term Saturday 28 May to Sunday 5 June 2022
Term ends Wednesday 6 July 2022
Michaelmas Term
Term starts Monday 5 September 2022
Half Term Saturday 15 October to Sunday 30 October 2022
Term ends Friday 16 December 2022

Lent Term
Term starts Wednesday 4 January 2023
Half Term Saturday 18 February to Sunday 26 February 2023
Term ends Friday 23 March 2023

Trinity Term
Term starts Monday 17 April 2023
May Bank Holiday Monday 1 May 2023 (no school)
Half Term Saturday 27 May to Sunday 4 June 2023
Term ends Wednesday 5 July 2023

The Princethorpe Foundation Employment Opportunities

The Foundation has the following vacancies:

  • IT Service Desk Team Leader - Princethorpe College
  • Reception Teacher - Crackley Hall School
  • Teacher of MFL – Crackley Hall School (Part Time)
  • After School Care Leader - Crackley Hall School

Full details and information on how to apply are available on the Foundation website here:


Should you know anyone who might be interested in these posts, please do share this information with them.

After School - Collection Of Children From After-School In The Horton Centre

Important Information For Parents

From the beginning of term our after-school provision will be based at the newly refurbished Horton Centre. This provides an excellent location for this facility and will enable children to complete homework and reading assignments in a peaceful and calm area of the school. We also now have two double doors that lead directly from the after-school room to the playground which can be used later in the afternoon when homework has been completed.

We had planned to install an electronically controlled entrance gate next to the car park that will allow parents to be buzzed through, using an intercom and camera system. However, there have been some problems with the manufacture of this new door and hence this is not yet in place and is unlikely to be installed before the end of this month.

For that reason, we are introducing a temporary system for collection from after school that will run as follows:

  • Parents or guardians who want to collect their child should go to the side gate next to the field
  • Parents should then call the after-school number 07467 488440 on their mobile phone. This number will also be on the parent notice board
  • Your child will then be brought to you at the gate for safe hand over

This system will ensure that all of the children are kept safely within the school site at all times and only handed over to parents or guardians when closely supervised by a responsible adult. As soon as the new gate is installed, I will communicate with parents again to clearly outline the new procedures that we will put in place at that point.

Joe Thackway


Test To Release For Foundation Siblings

Dear Crescent Parents

Over the course of this term, we have had two positive COVID-19 cases here at school. The situation at Princethorpe College is also serious with a number of positive cases being reported since the beginning of term.

Following a visit to Princethorpe College from PHE advisers, we been asked to introduce a ‘test to release’ recommendation for siblings across the three Foundation schools. This is designed to manage the number of Covid cases and hopefully reduce new cases.

Effectively, this means that if someone in a household tests positive, this would require siblings and other relations to take a PCR test and only return to school when they have received a negative PCR result. For example, if a child in Year 7 at Princethorpe tests positive and has a sibling in Crescent Year 4, the Year 4 child would need to take a PCR test and receive a negative result before returning to school. Similarly, a child in Crescent Year 3 were to test positive and had a sibling in Year 8, the Year 8 pupil would need to take the test.

In the meantime, the most important thing I can ask you to do is to is to continue to monitor your children for Covid symptoms. Do not send children into school when they are unwell or exhibit any of the signs of Covid. If they do develop symptoms, please book them a PCR test.

In the meantime, please be assured that we will do our utmost to keep day to day school life, both in and out of the classroom, as normal as possible for our pupils.

Joe Thackway