
Rugby’s Deputy Mayor Declares Crescent’s New Horton Centre Officially Open

Crescent School welcomed Rugby’s Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Cade, on Friday 1 October 2021 to officially open The Horton Centre. Councillor Cade was joined by his wife Deputy Mayoress, Mrs Catherine Cade, Foundation Head, Ed Hester, Chair of Trustees, Mrs Liz Griffin, and Trustee, Cmdre Bernard Warner, for the opening ceremony.

What was once the old nursery building now includes a new teaching room, break out learning spaces, dedicated Music and Drama rooms and space for the school’s After Care Club. Linked by a new corridor, the fully refurbished block makes a perfect addition to the school’s growing needs.

In a welcome to the gathered audience of pupils, staff, invited guests and trustees, Headmaster, Mr Joe Thackway, thanked the visitors for coming and spoke of the school’s excitement at the new facilities. Led by the Head Boy, Rohan Somerset, and Head Girl, Evie Bierton, pupil representatives from across the school announced in turn all the different activities that would take place within the new centre.

The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Cade, spoke of his delight at being welcomed into the school to officially open the new building before the school’s brass band played a celebratory fanfare and the Deputy Mayor cut the ceremonial ribbon and declared the building open. He then posed for official photographs with the invited guests and excited children.

After refreshments the Headmaster, Mr Thackway, took the Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress on a short tour of the new building and the school. The Deputy Mayor commented on the opportunities the Horton Centre would provide for the Performing Arts and enjoyed being welcomed into the classrooms by the excited children.

After watching the ceremony from the playground, pupils at the school enjoyed a special celebratory cookie before returning to lessons and the business of the day.

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Crescent Circular And Parent Information Booklet

We have sent home a copy of the Circular which is a look back over the last academic year for all year groups.

Also there is a Parent Information Booklet which contains all school information including uniform requirements, teacher information etc.

Crescent School

Royal Mail Stamp Competition

The regional finalists have now been announced and notified for the Heroes Stamp Design Competition. Unfortunately, none of our entries made it to the final 120. The standard of the entries was incredibly high, so don't be downhearted.  You can view the final 120 here (by region).

There were so many entries that it made it into the Guinness Book of World Records! 

Many thanks to all those who entered, celebrating those who have supported us through the pandemic.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head

Current Uniform Expectations - Reminder

In the first half of the Autumn Term children should come to school in summer uniform together with their school blazers whilst the temperatures are still reasonably mild.  Parents can use their discretion to send children in winter uniform if the weather turns cooler or if it is raining.

After the half term break all children are expected to be in full winter uniform.  Parents can again then use their discretion as to whether blazers or the school coat are more appropriate for the weather at the time.

When it does get really cold we do need all the children to have their coats in school so we can make a decision on outdoor break times.

Please note hair should be tied back.

Thank you for your cooperation with these guidelines.

Joe Thackway

Xmas4schools Christmas Cards - Reminder

We are purchasing our fundraising Christmas cards from a Xmas4schools. Please look out for your child bringing home an order card that has the ordering details on one side and the actual space where the design must be on the other.

Please fill in details and keep to the class name as RP, RE, 1LS, 1SS 2W, 3Y, 4M, 5F or 6W. Also, there is a price guide as to what products you will also be able to buy when the design is complete. 

The design guidelines are: 

  • Do not go too near the edge as the printer will cut it off- you must be 1cm away all around.
  • Do use felt tip, ink, pencil crayons, gel pens - brighter the better- pale does not show up.
  • Do use collage if you want - but well stuck down.
  • Do use glitter glue if you want.
  • Do not use sprinkle glitter- it falls off!
  • Do not use large areas of metallic finishes- it will not look shiny.
  • Do cover up as much of the white space as you can.
  • Do make any text big as the process will reduce the size of the design.

The design card with details, must be returned as soon as possible. The deadline is Tuesday 5 October 2021. We cannot accept or send any late orders after this date.

FoC will receive a donation for every product ordered, so do get designing! Please note that this is not the Crescent School Christmas card competition, but items just for yourselves.

Please click on the photos in the gallery which provide information.

Season's Greetings!

Ms Forth
Deputy Head teacher
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Individual And Siblings Photographs Proofs

Photo proofs have been sent home with children today. All photographs should be ordered online at  

All details can be found on the proof card with your unique security code. The deadline for orders to ensure free delivery to school is Friday 15 October 2021.

Please do contact Mr Lloyd if you have any queries, his details are on the proof card.

Crescent School

School Uniform Items Stocked At School

The following items are stocked in the School Office and can be added to your account:

  • Winter hats
  • Scarves
  • Gloves
  • Ties
  • Swimming hats
  • Sports socks
  • Hair bands
  • Hair scrunchies
  • Hair clips
  • Sun hats
  • Music group badges - Choir, Orchestra, String, Brass and Wind

Please do contact in if you need any of the above items.

Crescent School Office