Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

As we near the end of term, preparations in school have been going on for the final week or so and the special events that we have lined up. Following my letter on this last Friday, I have received a number of messages of support for our approach, but I am aware that we will not be able to please everybody. Striking the balance between parental involvement and protecting against Covid transmission is a hard one to get right but hopefully parents that it is an honest attempt to do just that.  All of the support you have given the School throughout the last 18 months has been genuinely appreciated.

One welcome new initiative this week was the Clothes for Cash drop off organised by the Friends of Crescent. We have a very capable and committed new committee in place at the FoC and this was something brought in to help raise funds whilst supporting important local charities. It fits in very nicely with the Good Citizens message that we promote for the children. Many of you contributed and I hope also got some therapeutic pleasure from clearing out overstocked clothes cupboards at home at the same time. All in all, this is a very positive initiative that we may well see more of in the future.

We have been dodging the showers a little bit in the last few days, but we managed to get some cricket played over at Princethorpe on Wednesday and as I write, we are looking closely at the weather forecast for Pre-Prep sports day on Friday. Fortunately, we have taken the precaution of putting in reserve dates for our sports day events this year and one way or another we should be able to make sure the children benefit from the experience of friendly competition.

Next week is a busy one with lots of events planned, including our very first Year 6 film premiere event on Tuesday (hopefully avoiding the potential clash with a penalty shoot-out for England in the Euros) and Welcome Evening for parents on Thursday 1 July. As you know, this will now be a live Teams event and I encourage you to attend if you can, although copies of the PowerPoints will be available to those who can’t make it. Move-up morning will be on Wednesday 30 June, which is an important session for children to get to know their teacher for next year. Please note that children should be dropped off at the normal place and time on that day. 

I have included here a full and up to date staff list for 2021-22 for your information and I will talk in more detail about this at the Welcome Evening next week.

Best wishes

Joe Thackway