Christmas Card Orders

Thank you to everyone who placed an order for Christmas cards, mugs, gift tags and coasters. It looks like we have raised over £200 towards the school from selling these. In total we sold 120 packs of cards and over 100 of the other items which is amazing. These items should be with you by the end of the month.

Movie Night - Despicable Me 3

On Friday 17 November we will be holding our first movie night of the school year. It will be held in the school hall. Please drop your child off at the reception area at 5pm and pick them up at 6.30pm from the usual side entrance. It's only £5 per child which includes the movie and a snack and drink. Please put your child(s) name down on the list on the FoC noticeboard and you can either pay on the night or put £5 in an envelope marked "movie night" with your child's name on it, into the green FoC box. All children in Reception need to be accompanied by an adult. If you would like your child to go into after-school until the movie night starts, please put their name down on the after-school sheet and tick for your child to receive tea, and we'll make sure that all children receive their tea before the movie starts. 

Christmas Bazaar - Friday 8 December

Our Christmas Bazaar will be held on Friday 8 December straight after school. We will be having a visit from Father Christmas, a photo booth, plenty of games for the children to take part in, the Christmas raffle with loads of great prizes to win, refreshments, pre loved uniform and a book sale. More details will follow soon.

Parents' Christmas Night Out

The Christmas Parents night out will now take place on Friday 8 December from 8pm at Rugby's newest bar/restaurant The Pharmasea. The tickets are now on sale from your Year Group representative and only cost £12 per person which includes a glass of prosecco on arrival and some tapas dishes. Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible there.