
Accelerated Reader Achievements

We love to celebrate reading at Crescent School and one of the ways we do this is through the awarding of badges for how many words the children in Classes III - VI  have read in the year.

  • For 500,000 words they receive a 'Super Reader 'badge
  • If they read a million words they receive a bronze star badge
  • Two million words is a silver star badge 
  • And a gold star badge if they manage to read 3 million words over the year

Our first badge is awarded to Idan Dar for reading 500,000 words. Well-done Idan.

Who is going to be next?

Ms Lowe
Senior Teacher

Reading Eggs Certificates

Reading Eggs certificates have this week been awarded to:
  • Emily Barnwell
  • Freddie Spicer
  • Maisie Tucker
Mr Webb
Class II Teacher and Assistant Head
Head of Pre-Prep