Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents
It has been a wonderful week in school. The sun has continued to shine but the temperatures have been just about manageable for the young children. They also allowed us to have both of our sports days uninterrupted by downpours or worries of wet grass. Both of these events went very smoothly and it was great to see every single child in the school fully engaged in sporting endeavour, be it running, throwing, jumping or striving for victory in whatever format the event required. On that note, it was interesting to see the variety of techniques in use in the egg and spoon and the beanbag on the head races. Slow and steady, or gung ho and hope for the best? Try it in your back gardens this weekend and see what you think. Many thanks to all the parents who supported these events, your children love it when you come and it was fantastic to see such a good turnout on both days.
Probably the day they gave me particular pleasure this week was move-up day. It's always a day that has its potential pitfalls, particularly with new children coming into  school for the very first time. I was delighted to see that everyone rose to the occasion and I hope the children have now gone away really excited about what is in store for them next year. It was wonderful to see so many happy children coming into Reception for the first time and being so brave.
There is still plenty to do this term of course, so keep looking closely in the Courier for information regarding different events. I will outline the main ones for you here:

  • We have the open book event on Tuesday 3 July and parents should arrive at the front entrance for this at 3.00pm.  Car parking will be available on the school playground.

  • On the same day we have the Welcome Evening for parents whose children are attending Crescent next year. Again for this event, extra car parking will be available on the school playground from 6.45pm and parents can enter the hall via the Pathfinders outdoor play space. We will start at around 7.00pm and aim to be finished by 8.15pm or 8.30pm. This will of course be a very useful evening for both new and returning families to meet their new form tutors and I will also be giving a short address before you go off to your respective classes.

  • Also next week, reports will be going out to everyone, other than Class V, on Wednesday. These are very important documents of course and I know the staff have worked hard to reflect accurately the work that the children have done through the year and also set achievable targets for their next class. I know you will read these carefully and support the messages from the school that are designed to layout the next steps for progress of each child.

  • Later next week we have a summer concert on Thursday, starting at 2.15pm, in the school hall. This event will be followed by refreshments and will be a lovely way to finish the musical year.

  • Finally, on Friday we welcome the Class VI parents to our leavers' assembly. Those parents will receive a separate email regarding arrangements for this.

I do hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend and we all summon up the energy for a final last action packed week in school.

Joe Thackway