Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

The non-stop rain has been replaced by freezing temperatures this week, but the children have all returned in very good spirits, despite some cold fingers and toes at break time and out on the games field. It has been lovely seeing them all coming in so positively and hearing their happy tales of the Christmas holidays. 
We started the year with an assembly about New Year’s resolutions, where the children shared their hopes and dreams for a better 2024. Mrs Stapleton put the best ideas onto paper and put them in our the special ‘golden resolutions box’. This box was then left in the corridor for the children to put in their own suggestions during the week.  
This has produced a wide range of answers, some of them I will share with you here. They range from the inspirational, such as ‘making sure everyone has a friend’ and ‘being kind at all times’ to the very practical, such as ‘wearing my earmuffs at break time’, ‘learning how to tie my shoelaces’, and ‘mastering the use of chopsticks’. Somebody also mentioned sticking to the Novak Djokovic diet. I might have to Google that one. 
I don’t know if you still set yourself resolutions or targets for the year, but if you do, best of luck with them, and hopefully you haven’t fallen foul already, which is very easily done. 
Another thing we talked about in our assembly was the new learner profile word of the month which is ‘collaborative’. Quite a few children put their hands up to say they had an idea what this meant and I hope to build on that starting point over the month as we continue to make progress building an understanding of what makes a good learner. 
It has been a relatively quiet start to the term from an events point of view, but well done to the girls who did so well in the netball matches at Bilton Grange earlier in the week. We have more fixtures next week as well as the LAMDA showcase for Year 5 and 6 on Monday to look forward to. 
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy a restful weekend, and let’s hope the reports of snow don’t materialise, at least not when we have to be back in school.  

Joe Thackway