Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...
Our work in literacy has been based around Leaf Man. We have described autumn leaves using simple adjectives and thought about where else he could go on his adventures in the wind. We have also explored simple words and phrases to describe fireworks in our learning about Diwali and other festivals of light.
In handwriting we have been introduced to Georgia Pig’s up and over letter family and practised forming cursive o and a.

In maths we have revisited number formation and identified missing numbers in simple sequences. We have practised counting amounts to secure 1:1 correspondence. We have introduced time and ordered the days of the week.

Some of the things the children will be learning in the coming weeks...
We will be using stories about birthdays to learn about months of the year. We will learn when our birthday is and write party shopping lists and invitations.

In maths we will be securing counting with 1:1 correspondence. We will continue to learn about time and match routines to times of the day.

In phonics we have practised:

ch   sh   th  ng  ai  ee  igh

How to help your child at home…

  • Practise counting, clarify the value of ten in teen numbers
  • Encourage the children to write phone numbers or football scores to reinforce number formation
  • Practise sounds that have been introduced in class – see if they can be found in books you share
  • Write birthday cards and invitations
  • Practise lines for the nativity using a loud, clear voice
What’s coming up/notices/information...
If you haven’t already - please send in any celebrations pictures you have of the children so we can all contribute to a class ‘celebrations’ book.
Please support the children with their cursive handwriting to reinforce the letters introduced in class.

The children only need to wear either their school blazer or black coat to school, not both. Please make sure all uniform is named including scarves and gloves.

Show and tell on Friday is a highlight of the week and a wonderful opportunity for children to practice speaking and listening skills. Please ensure that what they bring to school is appropriate for sharing and that the children can talk about it with their peers.

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher

Reception Forest School

This week we made the most of Storm Debi and explored and experimented with wonderful wind! We started the session by enjoying a peaceful, reflective moment when we lay on the ground and watched the clouds and observed just how quickly they were moving, discussing what colours they were and what these colours might mean for the weather. The children were fascinated by the clouds and used their imaginations to find dragons, dogs and rockets.

Next we used paper plates to explore wind direction and investigate how wind exerts force. Does the force feel strong? How is it different if you hold the plate at a different angle? What happens if we let them go? How far do they go and in which direction? Lots of fun was had chasing around after our plates.

The children then had the option to continue to measure wind direction and strength by making ribbon sticks. We attached paper ribbons and wool to a stick, practicing our fine motor skills by tying a basic knot, cutting and sticking. The children loved to see their colourful creations flying like a windsock. 

In addition to all this fun, there may have been some wonderful exploding lavender volcanoes! Whatever the weather we will be out enjoying and learning from nature in Forest School.

Mrs Dowling  
TA - Forest School
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Class 1Q Maths

In 1Q this week, we have been very keen on taking part in our maths activities to celebrate Maths Week. In class, we have been looking at the value of teen numbers using various resources such as coins, cubes and diens to represent our numbers. We also took part in the maths trail across the school which we were extremely excited about.

Miss Quirke
Class 1Q Form Teacher

Class 1Q Science

We have finished off our materials topic by looking at which of the materials we have named and identified can be recycled. We learnt how a recycling plant works, designed our own recycling logos and all took part in tidying up the classroom floor from all the rubbish that had been dropped. Clothes, food waste, shampoo bottles, glass jars, newspapers etc all had to be put into the correct recycling bin. 

Great application of our learning about materials. 

Mrs Emery
Class 1Q Science Teacher

Class 1Q French

1Q have been learning the vocabulary for pets in their French lessons. Here they are doing a jigsaw word activity with the language and pictures studied. Congratulations to Aydin’s group who were the first to complete the challenge.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

Year 2 PE

Year 2 have moved on to an exciting unit on dance in their PE lessons. They are using the theme of space to explore interesting and imaginative ways of moving and expressing themselves, using music and drama to create exciting routines. As you can see 2E really enjoyed their 'blast-off' astronaut training!

Mr Adkins
Year 2 PE Teacher

Year 2 Music

Year 2 studied The Gunpowder Plot in their recent music lessons and learned three new songs. One song, Remember, Remember The Fifth Of November, had a percussion accompaniment which they learned to play.

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music
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Class 2E PSHE -  Digital Wellbeing

We have been thinking about our digital well-being as part of our physical and mental health. We discussed how much time on a screen we thought was the right amount of time and how too much can make us tired and a bit grumpy. We thought about some of the other things we like to do as well as technology to maintain our overall wellbeing.  

Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher

Class 2E RE

We have been learning about the Jewish Sabbath day, Shabbat, from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. We looked at important articles to put on the table, discussing the kiddush cup, Shabbat candlesticks and challah bread. The children then enjoyed making their own bread to support their learning.  

Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher

Class 2W Maths

Class 2W played a strategic maths games where they aimed to get three coloured counters in a row. They had to add two dice before putting a counter on the total number on a grid.  There were some fabulous explanations of what could happen, understanding that if the first dice was a 2 it was impossible to now get the target number of 9.

Mr Webb
Class 2W Form Teacher