Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

Thankfully, we have enjoyed a much more normal week here at school and things have passed without incident, at least on the weather front.
It was a great start to the week seeing all of the children dressed up in their finery for our World Book Day celebration. We had a special assembly in the morning to allow us a good look at all of the costumes.  I would say that there were more Hermione Grangers than any other character, although Mr Fox and The Worst Witch were not too far behind her.

We enjoyed a very interesting assembly on Tuesday thanks to Kieron McCulloch from Princethorpe College, who spoke to the children about the need to set ourselves challenges and to always expect the very best from yourself.  Kieron showed one particularly terrifying clip of Alex Honnold's solo climbing ascent of El Capitan in the USA.  I wasn't sure if this was courage or recklessness bordering on madness.  We ask the children to challenge themselves on a daily basis of course in school and that can be anything from keeping to the school promise, to doing well for the sports teams or meeting their reading targets.  One target I have set for the children next week is for some quieter lunchtimes, as they seem to have been getting rather loud recently.  We will keep an eye on this next week and please support this message at home.

With the return to better weather we have had a whole raft of sporting fixtures through the week with teams engaged in netball tournaments and matches, tag rugby, cross country and county hockey. We heard all about their exploits in assembly this morning with the usual tales of triumph and disaster but in all cases we were able to report on the excellent behaviour of our Crescent pupils and we are of course all proud of them whether they win, lose or draw.

We had our first Transition meeting on Thursday evening, which was well received by those who attended, although quite a few families were not able to come.  Those who did make it found it to be, I hope, a useful information evening that was designed to help parents think about the potentially difficult process the children are about to go through.  It does not have to be difficult but can certainly have its stresses and I always advise parents to put themselves in some position of control with a little forward planning.
We have been delighted with the performance of our current Year Six pupils, who have now received offers from a wide range of schools and are currently in the process of finalising their decisions and confirming places. We will of course bring you full details of how they have got on in due course, when the dust has settled.

We might be in for some milder weather this weekend and even some sunshine so I hope you are able to get out with your children and enjoy the early spring countryside.
Have a great weekend.
Joe Thackway