Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and friends of the school,

Well, what a week it's been. We have had school events coming thick and fast throughout, both for the children to enjoy and for parents to come in and see the children in action. 

We started with sports day on Monday for the Year 1 and 2 children. This went really well and there was so much fun to be had watching the children race and run and throw and jump. 

It was then the turn of the drama department (in the person of our wonderful new drama teacher Miss Bowdige) to take centre stage, with the performance to the parents on Tuesday morning from Year 3 and 4, and then again in the evening for the Year 6 production of The Tempest. I thoroughly enjoyed both of these events and I know that those attending did the same. Watching your child perform in a play like this can be quite emotional, I remember that as a parent, seeing their growth and their confidence. It can be a moment when time seems to stand still and you can get a glimpse of their future. That was particularly true in the Year 6 play as they just looked such a together group, supporting each other and having a good time, with bonds that have been built over a number of years. The rendition of the last song of the evening, which was entitled ‘There's a sea change a-coming’ bought it home to me, and I suspect many of the audience, that we are finally preparing to say goodbye to these wonderful children. 

But the wheel keeps on turning and on Thursday and Friday this week we have enjoyed our final music concerts of the year. Once again, the variety and talent on show was wonderful to see, with so many children involved and clearly enjoying another aspect of both school life and hopefully pleasures and interest that will sustain them as they grow in school and beyond it. 

There is more to come next week of course with some important annual events, notably Move-up Day on Wednesday and then Welcome Evening for parents on Thursday. The children will experience a combination of a little anxiety perhaps but mostly excitement as they look forward to their next moves and I hope you are able to come along and hear about the plans we have in place for school next year. Ultimately, we want this to be a caring and nurturing environment where the children feel secure and looked after, where they can spread their wings and experience all that childhood has to offer in the safety of their primary school years. I hope that will be the central message that the children go home with by the end of next week, and you do as well. 

I will finish with some more personal news, as my son this week, who is currently coming towards the end of his Royal Navy officer training, has travelled over to Darwin in northern Australia to join a patrol boat that then sets sail for the islands of Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. What an amazing opportunity for him. I must admit I am really quite jealous, but I'll be with him in spirit. 

We probably need to draw breath this weekend with so much going on in school and I hope you are able to do that with your families and relax find some sunshine to enjoy.

Joe Thackway