The Bee Musical DVD Recording Order Form

This year we will be recording the dress rehearsal of The Bee Musical which children in Nature Trails, Reception, Year 1 and 2 will be performing on Saturday 24 March at the Open Day.

To purchase your DVD(s) please download the form below and return it to the green FoC box with your payment (£10 per DVD) by Friday 16 March. A copy of the form will be sent out on Monday and copies left on the FoC table.

The DVDs will then be sent out before the end of term.

The Bee Musical DVD Order Form

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

FoC Next Meeting

Monday 5 March 2018 - 3.45pm

The next meeting will be held on Monday 5 March at 3.45pm in the Art Room.  

Please come along and join us to discuss next term's activities. Children are able to be put into after school for free for this time.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair


Year 3 Market Day Update

Thank you to everyone who purchased cakes from the Year 3 market day on Friday 16 February. 

The cake sale raised £125 which will be used to purchase games and equipment for this year group.

Also a big thank you to Kate Mercer for her fantastic uniform selling. She raised £45 for the FoC. Don't forget if you have any spare uniform there is a box underneath the FoC table where you can leave it.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

Year 2 Market Day Friday 23 March 2018

Friday 23 March 2018 - 3.45pm - 4.45pm

Please come along and purchase cakes and sweets all in aid of Year 2.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair