
World Book Day - Rescheduled (Copy)

Monday 5 March 2018

Due to the snow closure on Friday, this will now take place on Monday 5 March.

We are looking forward to seeing all the children, and staff, dressed up as their favourite book characters. Please bear in mind that it is still forecast to be very cold on Monday so do make sure that the costumes provide adequate warmth for the children through the day.

Joe Thackway

World Book Day - Rescheduled

Monday 5 March 2018

Due to the snow closure on Friday, this will now take place on Monday 5 March.

We are looking forward to seeing all the children, and staff, dressed up as their favourite book characters. Please bear in mind that it is still forecast to be very cold on Monday so do make sure that the costumes provide adequate warmth for the children through the day.

Joe Thackway

Transition Meeting For Year 4 And 5 Parents - Rescheduled

Thursday 8 March - 7.00pm

This meeting for current Year 4 and 5 parents was due to take place on Thursday 1 March but was postponed due to the adverse weather. As previously advised, the rearranged date for this is now Thursday 8 March at 7.00pm.

Any parents who are unable to attend on the evening will be sent a full copy of the powerpoint presentation from the evening. 

Joe Thackway


Princethorpe College Open Morning

Tuesday 20 March 2018, 10.30am to 12.30pm 

Princethorpe College is pleased to announce a new Open Event date for your diaries. On Tuesday 20 March, the College will be open to visitors from 10.30am to 12.30pm. A perfect opportunity to view the school on a normal working day, with pupils from Years 7 and 8 acting as tour guides (so you may see a familiar face or two!).

All are welcome and there is no need to book. For further information, please contact the Registrar, Mrs Vanessa Rooney on 01926 634201 or at  

The College’s next Open Event after the March Open Morning will be the Open Evening on Wednesday 6 June 2018 from 6.00pm to 8.30pm.

Crescent School Open Morning - Reminder

Saturday 24 March - 9.30am to 12.00pm

The Crescent School is opening its doors to prospective and current parents and children for a Spring Open Morning on Saturday 24 March 2018 from 9.30am to 12.00pm. 

As part of the Open Morning there will be a very special performance by Reception to Year 2 pupils, along with children from Nature Trails Nursery, of The Bee Musical.  With a fabulous script and nine terrific songs to get you buzzing and bee-bopping, you just won’t bee-lieve how good this delightful and educational musical is!

This promises to be fantastic entertainment for visitors of all ages, and will really showcase the talents, confidence and stage presence of the school's youngest pupils. The show commences at 10.00am and we would urge visitors to arrive early to get a good seat!

After the half-hour performance there will be a short presentation about the Crescent and our ambitions for the school as part of the Princethorpe Foundation, and the chance to meet new Headmaster, Joe Thackway. There will also be short Q&A sessions with Alan Webb, Assistant Head - Head of Pre-Prep and Headmaster Joe Thackway about entry to Reception and Year 3. 

Elsewhere on site there will be plenty to see and do, including guided tours by the older pupils, sporting displays, instrumental performances, plus the opportunity to visit classrooms and chat informally to current parents and staff from Nature Trails, the Crescent and Princethorpe College.

Light refreshments will be available. There is no need to book.

For more information about the Open Morning please call Registrar, Mrs Helen Morley on 01788 523851 or email

Alternatively please visit our website for more information.

Princethorpe College Class V Crescent Taster Day

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Class V are warmly invited to a taste of senior school life at Princethorpe College on Tuesday 19 June 2018.  The taster day will begin at 9.30am when the children will be transported to the College by mini-bus from Crescent.  Pupils will experience a variety of classroom sessions, a tour of the school and a question and answer session with our current pupils. Break and lunch will be provided and there is no charge for this day.

At the end of the afternoon, you are invited to a Parents’ Information Session on entry to the College in September 2019. The session will commence at 4.30pm, finish at approximately 6.00pm and light refreshments will be served. 

Ed Hester, the Headmaster, along with other key members of staff will be available to talk to you about the College and to outline the admissions process. Children will also have the opportunity to trial the online CEM test, one of the exams that prospective pupils complete during the Entrance Examinations day, which will take place on Saturday 10 November 2018 from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

Please click here to access the online booking form for the Year 5 Taster Day. Please complete and submit the form by 5.00pm on Monday 4 June to secure a place for your child.

For those parents who are unable to attend the Parents’ Information Session, your child will be transported back to Crescent for 3.30pm.

We hope you can join us and look forward to welcoming you to Princethorpe College.

With kind regards from the Admissions Team at Princethorpe College. 

Registrar - Mrs Vanessa Rooney
01926 634201
Working hours: 08.30-17.00

Assistant Registrar - Miss Helen Morgan
01926 634262
Working hours: 08.30-13.30

Admissions Administrator - Mrs Catherine Rogers
01926 634262
Working hours: 13.00-17.30