
Accelerated Reading Prize Draw

Every half term, all the children in Classes III - VI, who have put a star on the board for achieving 85% or above on a quiz, are put into a prize draw.  The more stars a child has achieved the better the chance of winning.

Last half term's winners were:

Class III - George Rule

Class IV(M) - Arabella Drinkwater

Class IV(Y) - Milly Knot 

Class V - Isabelle Wood

Class VI - Belle Clements

85% is a good score to achieve in a quiz as it means that the book the child is reading is not too hard or too easy giving scope for a child to stretch their learning.

Well done to all our children - good luck for this half term. 

Ms Lowe
Senior Teacher

Preparing Children For Their Next Steps

We are half way through the school year now and much learning has already been embedded in each year group. Teachers are increasingly mindful of preparing children for their next steps: be it beyond Crescent or towards their next year group. 

Children know instinctively to apply their learning in different and independent contexts. Such examples were evident as a Year 2 English unit culminated in the children being asked to write instructions with an imaginative twist. The results across the board were astounding as Rosina Watson's (pictured) response exemplifies -

"Open the old, wooden, creepy gate. Be careful or you will awaken the sleeping dragon. Go past the narrow river, a tiny mouse will be waiting for you. Ignore it, it is trying to get you killed.You will see a red boat, a Queen has abandoned it. Use it. It will take you to a small white cottage. It has a patch of white, polka dotted mushrooms. Do not eat them. The witch who is clearly a midget is trying to poison you. The mouse is her servant. Walk away. Go to the mystical tree, go round the tree 4 times, you will be invisible for 1 hour. You will have to stamp your foot 2 times to open the draw bridge. Go and find the forbidden room. The treasure will be in it."

Mr Webb
Class II Teacher and Assistant Head
Head of Pre-Prep


New Issue Of Pinnacle And Minnacle Published - Be Inspired!

Next week you will receive a copy of 'The Pinnacle' which showcases some of the exceptional work across the Foundation.
In the middle there is a pullout (The Minnacle) which focuses on Crescent School and Crackley Hall School.
Enjoy a cup of tea, put your feet up and enjoy browsing through the excellent work our children do.
Ms Lowe
Senior Teacher
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