FoC Summer Fete And Crescent School 75th Anniversary Celebrations

Dear Parents 

This year we are excited to be hosting the summer fete on Saturday 10 June from 12pm -2.30pm to coincide with the School's 75th anniversary celebrations. 

As the event is on a Saturday we have designed it to suit the whole family, so in addition to the usual stalls and inflatables there will be a licensed bar, hot food and ice creams. 

Entry is free of charge, but if the children would like to play the games on the stalls they will require a game card which is £5. Cards with five stamps or more can be handed in to receive a prize. Game cards are available through Classlist. If you are not on Classlist please use the following link

Raffle tickets can be purchased either through Classlist or on the day itself. 

As always we would love your support to help make the event a success so if you can spare 30-45 minutes to help run a stall at the event we would be eternally grateful! 

Many thanks to all those who have donated, we have some lovely bundle prizes for you to win!

Finally, this year the profits of our teddy bear stall will go to Pawprints Dog Rescue - which the school is supporting this term. 

Friends of Crescent 

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FoC - Class 1Q Market Day Bake Sale Total

Thanks to all those who donated and supported the 1Q Bake Sale. They raised a fantastic £221.50 for the class to spend.

Friends of Crescent