Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

I do hope you all enjoyed the extra day at home last weekend and your celebrations to mark the coronation, however you chose to do that, went well.

With any luck you have been able to dodge the showers this week and enjoyed an effective and productive week at home and at work. Sporting fixtures have been affected to some extent by the weather, but I am pleased to report that our forest school classes have continued to go on through rain or shine. Fortunately, the athletics team managed to get over to Leicester for the ISA Midlands competition and there is more to read about that elsewhere in this newsletter. We've hardly missed a playtime during the week either, which is always good and makes the day run more smoothly.

I am away from school today on a conference designed around the theme of sustainability in education. We are looking at all aspects of this absolutely key subject area, both in terms of the running of the school operationally and financially, but also the delivery of a fair and open-minded approach to this in our curriculum.

Ultimately, as part of the Princethorpe Foundation, we at Crescent will be putting together a plan for how we can achieve net zero carbon impact and this needs to be a plan that holds some water rather than just easy-to-make promises. Working at the foundation executive level we have already started putting this plan together and you will most certainly be hearing more about it in the near future.

One of the most powerful resources in all of this is of course the children. In my experience, young people have an innate passion for the natural world and are willing to consider all options to protect and conserve biodiversity. We already do a good deal with the children on this theme, ranging from Mrs Johnson's Green Team’s energy saving opportunities, our switch off fortnight hour, battery and mixed recycling service (run by the children) as well as studying environmentally friendly sources of energy production in Geography and Science. There is more we can do in all areas, and we will continue to strive to do so.

I very much hope you enjoy looking through the highlights of the week gone by in today's Courier and wish you all a restful weekend.

Joe Thackway