Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

It has been lovely to welcome children back to a largely sunny week in school. It has seen the start of outdoor learning and forest school lessons, which have gone down really well with the children, and are made that little bit more enjoyable with a spot of good weather.

On the outdoor theme, we were pleased to announce in assembly earlier in the week that a number of new trees have been planted around the site, both to provide shade in the play areas but also for seasonal interest and environmental impact. You will have noticed the cherry trees at the front of the school, and there have also been new whitebeam trees planted in the playground area as well as a line of field maples next to the playing field.

We planted a number of trees in the forest school area this time last year, and many of them struggled through the long drought that we had, and it has been very pleasing to see these budding back into life this spring.

I like to tell the children about my magic moment of the holiday and there was a chuckle of laughter when I showed them a picture of me and Mrs Thackway on the top of a rainy and misty mountain in the Lake District. You can never bank on the British weather that's for sure but developing a love of nature and the outdoor life is hopefully something that will sustain the children as they grow.

This is always a good time to look ahead to the many opportunities the new term provides and again we talked about this in our assembly at the beginning of the week. All of the children in the upper school will be going away on their residential trips at some point during the term, and we have a very long list of special events to look forward to as well, including the coronation celebrations, the summer fair, sports days and various drama productions, trips and visits. Do keep a close eye on the school calendar and the Courier to make sure you're keeping up with all that is going on.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Joe Thackway