
Founder's Day Play Marks The Start Of 75th Anniversary

On Monday, Crescent School marked its 75th anniversary with a new celebration in the Crescent school calendar, Founder’s Day.

The day began with a special assembly with the whole school gathering together in the school hall to reflect back to Crescent School’s founding back in 1948. As part of the assembly and to mark the start of the anniversary year, pupils from Year 2 and Year 6 performed a short play reflecting life at the Crescent School back in its early days. The light-hearted sketch highlighting some of the differences between life at the school then and now.

Many thanks to Year 2s, Uma, Rachael and Joshua and Year 6s, Tegan, Sam, Finlay, Chloe, Alex, Grace and Erin and to Mrs Forth and Mrs Webb, who all performed their parts so well.

Across the year, Crescent is looking forward to commemorating its 75th anniversary with plenty of opportunities for the wider Crescent community to get together, to renew and strengthen relationships and revive old memories.

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75th Anniversary 1940s Themed Day

As part of the Crescent School’s 75th anniversary celebrations pupils have explored life in the 1940s across all their curriculum lessons today. The dedicated themed day has seen the whole school enjoying a range of exciting age-appropriate learning.

Whether practising their calligraphy cursive writing, developing their 1940s programming skills, learning about the Windrush generation, or the impact rationing had on baking, exploring 1940s children’s games or the dance styles of the 1940s, the learning activities have all helped pupils to understand what life was like 75 years ago.

Head of History, Mrs Symons, said, “The children have had a fantastic day. It was wonderful to see them enjoying learning about the 1940s and how life was like in the year when the Crescent School opened.”

We will be sharing more details of all the fun today in the Courier next Friday 27 January.

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Foundation News: Pupils Get To Know The New Headmaster

Princethorpe College has a new Headmaster, Mr Grove du Toit, and last week, as he settled into life at Princethorpe College, the Heads of School, Freya and Pratheesh, sat down with him to ask him questions submitted by pupils from across the school. 

The question-and-answer session was recorded and is being shared with Princethorpe's pupils on Teams, to help them all get to know more about their new Headmaster.

This week on the College's social media they have also been sharing his answers, to introduce the wider Princethorpe community to Mr du Toit.

If you would like to see the clips, you can find the full video on their school website here.

Red House Are Play Leader Trained

Year 6 Red House pupils are up and running with Play Leader activities at lunch time following their training with Mrs McCollin on Friday 13 January.  

Leaders had to learn about the skills and attributes of good leaders, drawing upon knowledge from their own inspirations such as current coaches and teachers.  They then looked at the different methods of communication, and the need to be clear and concise with their instructions, before heading outside for the physical aspects of the course, playing and leading. 

Pupils had the opportunity to lead their peers through a variety of warm up games before planning and adapting their own games and activities to run. 

Poppy, Esme and Bella where the first to put their new skills to the test this Monday lunchtime taking Reception pupils through some old-fashioned traditional games and pre-prep pupils have enjoyed playing with the parachute with Chloe and Poppy later on in the week.  

All leaders were very focused throughout their training, and we are positive they are going to have a great term running their activities with the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils.   
Good luck to them all.  

Mrs McCollin
Head of PE and Games
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Taekwondo Club

Yesterday Taekwondo Club was practising hard for their next grading. To finish the session off the children demonstrated their breaking skills, a taekwondo technique that involves practitioners kicking a board with their feet. We were all very impressed!

Our co-curricular taekwondo club runs every Thursday after school for Years 4-6. Why not come along and join in the fun. Focus Taekwondo also run Tiny Tigers on a Tuesday and Thursday before school for Years Reception to 3.

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Music Badges

If your child is in one of the following groups and you would like to purchase a Music Badge for them to wear on their uniform please complete the form below.

Music Badges Order Form

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music

Scholastic Book Club

Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! To browse the latest books and order online, please click on the link below. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards.

Book Club

Please place your order online by 1 February 2023.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head