Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents
As we head into the last leg of the half term we are all enjoying the lengthening days and the increasing signs of spring on the verges and in the hedgerows.  There are a whole host of crocuses trying to poke their heads out on the green in Bilton, they just need a little more encouragement from the sun and they could do it by the end of next week.

We had an eventful start to the week here at Crescent with the fire brigade on site and no electricity for some hours on Monday afternoon.  The unusual smell in the corridor was the initial cause for the alarm, so we evacuated the building as a precaution whilst we investigated and called for some ‘back-up’.  It turned out to be an overheating fuse that needed to be isolated and then replaced.  The fuse that was affected was part of the infrastructure supplied by the electricity board and with some prompt remedial action from Western Power we managed to return entirely to normal on Tuesday morning.
Some of us suspected at first it might all be an elaborate part of Mrs Forth’s Mastery Day, in which case there would have been quite a queue at my door to come and receive their da Vinci stickers for the way they handled the challenge.  Thanks to all the staff here for the way they responded and well done to the children for the matter-of-fact way they adjusted their routines and got on with it.  Many parents also came to collect earlier from clubs that day which was particularly helpful as we gradually lost the heat in the building.

We will of course be carrying out a full investigation into the issues that were raised and look at what we can do to continue to ensure that the children and the site are kept safe at all times.  We have a significant part of the budget put by for health and safety matters of this nature, both for maintenance and upgrading services and what we learnt from this will certainly be useful input in our future decision making and planning.

We had a really inspirational assembly earlier in the week from our charity for the term, WheelPower (wheelpower.org.uk). Their school liaison leader Ollie told us all about the good work that they do supporting disabled athletes and paralympians and I know all of the children left the hall with a real desire to go out and do something positive to help such a good cause.
Fortunately, just such an opportunity is just round the corner! Next Friday is our non-uniform day for the half term and we will all be taking part in the Wheelchair Relay Challenge.  You will have received sponsorship forms earlier in the week, if you would like to raise extra money at home, but everyone can help simply by bringing in their £1 donation on the day.  Working with the rest of the children in their form the children will be learning how to operate a wheelchair and then having a go at completing a relay course. Look out for some great pictures of this in next week’s Courier, it promises to be a really fun day with a very positive message at the heart of it.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Joe Thackway