Friends Of Crescent

I hope everyone had a lovely Summer. The FoC are busy organising our events for the year.

In the next couple of weeks we will publish a calendar of events we are hoping to run.  Obviously some of the dates may be subject to change but it'll give you an indication of what we will be up too.

For all new parents joining the school the FoC have a facebook page where we publish all our events and information for parents. Please join this by visiting:

We will also be holding our first FoC meeting on Tuesday 12 September from 3.45pm - 4.45pm.

Please come along and join us, we are always looking for new parents/grandparents to get involved. We will be meeting in the new reception area at the front of the school and your child can go into after school free of charge for this time.

Please email me if you would like to come along or if you have any questions at

Thank you

Zara Corbin

Draycote Water Sponsored Walk

Sunday 10 September from 2pm

This event is in aid of the school charity for this term Guide Dogs. We are hoping to raise, over the course of this year, £1,500 which would allow us to "name our own puppy" which will come and visit the school. Sponsorship forms were handed out earlier in the week so please raise as much as you can. If it is not possible for you to join us on this afternoon but you would like to still take part please complete the sponsored walk at whatever time suits your family over the next couple of weeks. The sponsorship forms plus money need to be handed in by Monday 25 September into the FoC green box on the wall by the FoC table.

Thank you

Zara Corbin