Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

The pace has quickened in the run up to Christmas.  This week saw a lot of the displays coming down in the corridors as staff prepared for today's Art Day.  We crashed the timetable for the day and focused on getting the school looking bright, colourful and festive for all of the special events we have lined up in the next two and a bit weeks. 
This is a new concept for me and it was great to spend time today with children making and creating on our pantomime theme.  Next Tuesday there is an open corridors event for you all to come and inspect and admire the children's hard work and I look forward to seeing many of you there.

My assembly on Tuesday focused on the theme of advent and, in particular, the joy of giving.  I asked the children not to look at Christmas simply as a time when we get lots of lovely presents but also to reflect how rewarding it is to give to others, as well as considering those who perhaps don't have a home and family with whom they can enjoy the holiday season. 
In a very apt initiative, Mrs Olner announced to the children the reverse advent calendar, mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter, that will provide welcome supplies of food and goodies to the Rugby Foodbank.  We have already seen a number of generous contributions to the donation basket. Thank you.

A couple of weeks ago you received an invitation to complete an online parental survey.  We have started to go through the response to this and I will be feeding back to you with some more detailed results in due course. 
It was great to hear that so many of you are delighted with the school and the clear feedback that the pastoral care we provide here is genuinely of the gold standard.  Overall, you rated us outstanding or good in all the categories, which is very positive indeed.  Of course, I understand that there are always areas where we can improve and I will be looking closely at these in the weeks ahead and putting action plans together to make sure that your voices are both listened to and taken seriously.
With my best wishes for the weekend.
Joe Thackway