
Junior da Vinci Awards

The following children have received Junior da Vinci Awards this week. Well done to Anton Tran who has become a da Vinci Student. Congratulations to all.

Sam Sheffield English Creativity
Sam Sheffield Geography Creativity
Freya Somerset English Creaticity
Freya Somerset Geography Creativity
Lucy Bentley Geography Creativity
Arabella Drinkwater Games Practice
Izzy Slaytor Geography Mastery
Chris Gibson Maths Creativity
Chris Gibson Music Mastery
Mehul Patel Maths Mastery
Olivia Monk Maths  Practice
Rebecca Monteith English Practice
Rosina Watson PSHE Mastery
James Ashton IT Mastery
Georgia Dowling Maths  Practice
Alyssa Barnett RE Mastery
Daniel Pinks Maths Practice
Jamie Capelett Maths Practice
Vignesh Sadasivan Maths Mastery
Anand Desai Maths Mastery
Anton Tran Maths Mastery

Ms Sarah Lowe
Senior Teacher


Junior da Vinci Pupil

Vignesh Sadasivan has been awarded a mastery, creativity and practice sticker for his work in Maths so far this year. This is a wonderful achievement and makes him our very first Junior da Vinci pupil.

In the photo you will see he is holding a plaque, this is one of the plaques that will be awarded at the end of the year to the boy and the girl who most embrace the da Vinci spirit.

They have been very generously donated to us by The Princethorpe Foundation.

Ms Sarah Lowe
Senior Teacher

Accelerated Reader

The following children have been awarded Accelerated Reader Awards this week.  Congratulations to all.

Alyssa Barnett (3), Harry Barnwell, George Bell (5), Oliver Bell (4), Isobelle Clements, Idan Dar, Archie Dowling, Connor Kennedy (3), Euan Nelson (2), Isaac Nelson (2), Amy Robinson, Hattie Sarkies and 
Sam Sheffield (3)
Ms Sarah Lowe
Senior Teacher




Reading Eggs

Reading Eggs certificates have, this week, been awarded to:

Abigail Cowell, Alice  Diamond, Leela Matharu, Samuel Oldham, Shayla Panchal and Chloe Sarkies

Congratulations to all.
Alan Webb
Class II Teacher and Assistant Head - Head of Pre-Prep