Class III Market Day Update

Thank you to everyone who purchased cakes, sweets and pizza from the Class III market day sale.  £253 was raised at this event which is amazing.

The children are deciding with Mrs Stapleton on what to spend the money on.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

FoC Meeting

Monday 4 March 2019 3.45pm - 4.45pm

Please come along and join us at our next meeting if you're available. We will be discussing Mother's Day craft, Draycote Water walk, Year II and Year I market days as well as the school disco.

Please sign your child(ren) into after school for free if you wish to attend.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

Class II Market Day Sale

Friday 22 March 2019 - 3.45pm - 4.45pm

Please come along and purchase cakes and sweets from Class II. All money raised will go towards crafts, games and toys for their class.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

FoC Mother's Day Craft

This year your child, if you wish, can decorate a ceramic tea light holder for Mother's Day. This will come gift wrapped and include some love hearts for £5. If you would like your child(ren) to participate in this activity please fill in the Mother's Day form, that has been sent home with your children this evening. We will put spare copies on the FoC table if you require them. All forms need to returned by Wednesday 13 March. 

A copy of the form can be dowloaded here

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair

FoC Filming Of The Open Morning Production Hats Off

The FoC will again be filming the Hats Off Open Day Production dress rehearsal.

You are able to purchase a DVD for £13 per DVD. Please fill out the form sent home with your child today (or it can be downloaded here) and return it by Friday 22 March with payment either by cash or cheque.  Cheques should be made payable to Friends of Crescent.

Please place in the green FoC Post Box by the Pupil entrance.

Zara Corbin
FoC Chair