Around The Classes

Class I 100 Day Party Celebrates Place Value Skills

Year 1 have been studying place value and marking the passage of the school year on their classroom chart. Knowing your ones from your tens takes plenty of practise but the children have all worked very hard. So on Thursday 28 February, 100 days since the start of the school year, it was time to celebrate their perfected place value skills with a special 100 days party.

The morning was spent preparing, making party hats and party food and getting the classroom ready. Then in the afternoon the children got on with the serious business of having fun. There were plenty of traditional party games including pass the parcel, under and over and musical bumps. Of course Mrs Emery couldn’t resist including the odd mathematical challenge in between rounds but with their newly acquired skills the children answered the questions with ease. After all the games were finished it was time to sit down and share some party food before finally getting together for a party photo.

Year 1 teacher, Mrs Emery, said, “What a lot of fun we have all had today and what amazing mathematical skills the children are developing. Our 100 day party was the perfect way to celebrate, and reinforce, our developing place value skills.”

Mrs Emery
Class 1 Teacher

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Class II Rainforest Project

Class II have started their rainforest project by making and decorating snakes.

Mrs Byrne
Art Teacher
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Class III English for Parents

The children welcomed another set of parents to understand how we develop our English skills in Class III. From playing Synonym Circus, extending sentences and identifying homophones, the adults participated fully and hopefully gained a useful insight into our learning.

Mrs Sam Stapleton
Class III Form Tutor
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Class III Make Pizzas

In preparation for our Cake Sale at the end of half term, some of the class helped make pizzas to sell. They were snapped up and contributed to a record breaking total of £250 which was a fantastic effort by all!  We have decided on a huge variety of toys and activities and are looking forward to receiving them soon! 

Thank you!

Mrs Sam Stapleton
Class III Form Tutor
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Class IV Music Composition

Class IV have been working on a project on composition in their Music lessons. They have studied the idea of Reflection and have discussed how music can be reflected and how they can show a reflection by changing the way they play an instrument. Using a photo of a mountain scene reflected in a lake, in groups they have depicted the different aspects of the picture and its reflection using percussion instruments and have performed their compositions to each other.

Mrs Barnes
Music Techer
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Class VY RE

Class V have been considering what love might mean to them and how God shows his love to us. We had an insightful lesson recognising that we feel loved and show love very differently. They identified which of the 5 Love Languages (Check out was most in-line with their personalities and then reflected how the bible consolidates our learning.

Mrs Sam Stapleton
Head of RE
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Class VY Geography Field Work

Class VY have been studying the many ways we depend on access to clean water in our daily lives and comparing this with the situation in other parts of the world. With maps and clipboards in hand, the children went off to discover exactly how and where water enters and leaves the school building. They were amazed to find out just how many places there are and how water is needed in so many ways to make our school function.

Joe Thackway
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Year 5 Solar System

Year 5 have been learning about our solar system. We recreated the sun and the planets that orbit it to investigate which planets had short years and which had longer years.

Mrs Byrne
Art Teacher
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Year 5 Have Delightful Divisions

We’ve been excitedly dividing using the ‘bus stop’ or ‘Gozinto’ method this week in 5Y and 5F. Whilst for many of us this was the only method we had for carrying out division calculations, our children have experimented with several methods. Now they have a firm grasp of the mechanics and understanding of division and are able to confidently use short division as an effective tool in their maths toolbox.

Mrs Yates/Ms Forth
Year 5 Maths Teachers
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Year VI English

Year VI have been looking at their favourite books and creating ways to recommend them to their classmates. They have been considering the appeal of different genres, applying literary techniques and including persuasive language. Some children were tempted by the books they heard about.

Ms Bowen
Student Teacher
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Class VI History

In history this week, Class VI have been looking at photos from Rugby in the late 1800s. They compared these with today, whilst expecting to see many differences they were surprised by the number of similarities they found too. The photos provoked discussions about changes over time. For homework the children were asked to have conversations with their families to discuss the most important changes they felt had happened in their life times. 

Have a look at the old photos, can you work out where they are of?

Mrs Yates
History Teacher
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Co-Curricular - Bayleaf Cookery Club

This term children have enjoyed making and tasting sweet and savoury recipes in Cookery after school, however, I think this week has been their favourite when they made chocolate biscuits!  They used their measuring skills to weigh out the ingredients and after making a delicious mix, four delicious chocolate biscuits were shaped ready to be cooked at home.

The wonderful smells that came from the room were amazing, I hope you enjoyed eating your biscuits, I expect there were not enough to go round!!

Mrs Olner
Teaching Assistant
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