
Crescent School Raises £730.87 For Children’s Air Ambulance

On Tuesday 8 January pupils at Crescent School presented £730.87 to the Air Ambulance Service.

The children have been busy fundraising for the national Children’s Air Ambulance since the beginning of the school year.  They ran a ‘name the teddy’ competition, held a yellow Air Ambulance non-uniform day, a Christmas jumper day and organised collections both in school and at the school’s Carol Service.

The children were delighted to welcome Air Ambulance representative Dr Caroline Leech, one of the Air Ambulance doctors, into the school for a special assembly.

Caroline, who also works as an A&E doctor at the University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire, spoke to the children about the Air Ambulance Service and the work of the national Children’s Air Ambulance.   She then showed everyone three key medical skills, how to read a radial pulse, check pupil reactivity and how to use a pulse oximeter to check a person’s heart rate and blood oxygen levels. The pupils really enjoyed meeting Caroline and hearing about the essential work the Air Ambulance Service does.

On behalf of the School Council teacher, Sam Stapleton, revealed how much money all their fundraising efforts had raised, an impressive total of £730.87, which was then presented to the Air Ambulance Service.

Thanking the children Dr Caroline Leech said, “This money will help buy specialist medical equipment and support running costs.”

Playground Supervisors Awards

The following children received Certificates of Excellence from the Playground Supervisors in Assembly this morning:

  • Sam for having good manners when receiving his lunch 
  • Yash for using good manners in the dinner line

Well done to you.

Joe Thackway


English For Parents

This term we are looking forward to welcoming parents into school to join their child in an English lesson.  In the lesson parents will be able to join in activities and see if they can meet the lesson expectation.

There will be one lesson for each year group for Years 1-6 and the session will be held during week commencing Monday 11 February.  Only one parent can join their child to work together during the lesson.  

If you would like to attend, please reply via the Evolve message sent out on Friday 11 January. Due to space constraints numbers are restricted and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If demand is high another session will be scheduled early next term.

We look forward to welcoming you in to share in the Crescent English experience.

Ms Lowe
Senior Teacher

Reverse Advent Calendar Update

A big thank you to parents, children and staff who kindly contributed to our Christmas reverse advent calendar for the food bank.

Ms Hanson and I took the donations to the Food Bank in Rugby on Wednesday 19 December, there were about 10 large boxes loaded with various foods.  In amongst the donations were some lovely treats as well as many of the items needed on a regular basis.

It is a privilege to be able to give to such a worthwhile cause, thank you again.

Rugby foodbank confirmed the weight of the donations as 118kg and expressed thanks for the generosity of Crescent pupils and families in helping to fight poverty in Rugby.

Mrs Olner
Teaching Assistant

Happy Lunchtimes Special Request

Having a good old clear out after the chaos of Christmas? Struggling to find space for all the gifts from The Big Man in Red? Why not let us give you a hand!

If you have unwanted or outgrown toys that you no longer have space for, our Happy Lunchtimes crew are always willing to take them off your hands and put them to good use!

The children have specifically requested dolls, cars, outdoor toys, character toys and dressing up outfits but to be honest we would welcome any donations of new or used toys and games that are in good condition.

Please feel free to leave them in the school office or put them on or around the FOC table.

Many thanks in advance.
Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant

Hotshots Player Of The Term

A huge congratulations to Sienna who was named as Hotshots Basketball player of the term (September - December).

Well done Sienna!

Crescent School


Jewellery In School

Please would parents ensure that children do not come into school wearing jewellery.

Necklaces and bracelets can easily be broken or lost and are potentially hazardous for children taking part in physical activities or experiments. Earrings are not to be worn in school at anytime. 

Watches are not to be worn in Pre-Prep but can be worn in the upper school to aid learning.  

Thank you for you cooperation with this health and safety matter.

Mr Webb
Assistant Head 

Attain Magazine

We have a small number of copies of Attain Magazine in the School Office.  If you would like one do pop in to collect a copy.

Crescent School