Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

We arrive at the end of November already and the autumn term is flying by in front of our eyes. We have just enjoyed our traditional Christmas Art Day with plentiful glitter and tinsel going onto the displays around the school (with sincere apologies to the cleaning staff – their worst day of the year). The first of the seasonal theatre trips went out today as well and next week we have open corridors for parents, more theatre trips and the Christmas Bazaar. With only two weeks and two days left before we break up we will be there before you know it.

It was unfortunate earlier in the week that Paul Hay was unable to deliver his internet safety workshops due to a sudden bout of laryngitis but thank you to everyone for their messages of understanding. We are all made of flesh and blood and sometimes the spirit is willing but the body won’t quite cooperate. I know Paul was frustrated but it is simply one of those things you have to accept. We had been particularly excited about the evening as the response from parents had been so positive. We had 90 parents all signed up and ready to come and I just hope we can get up to a similar number for when Paul returns to try again on 15 January 2019.

The only positive of the cancellation was that it brought me a little more time in my office to get onto some outstanding tasks and I finish the week feeling a little better about my ‘to do’ list. Of course, at this time of year all of the staff here are busy writing, editing and peer checking their reports that will go out at the end of term. The feedback that you and your child get from these are invaluable and there is no doubt that well aimed and constructive advice can set smart targets and achieve really good outcomes for pupils. This is a theme I am looking at building on here in the near future as I am sure there is always more we can do to improve.

On Monday of this week we had many of our older children sitting their music exams. I know that a lot of preparation goes into these and they can be very nerve-racking for the children in the immediate build up. I am convinced it is ultimately a positive experience and one that brings a well-earned sense of achievement. Success in life does not normally come without hard work and commitment and the same is true of music. So well done to those who stood up (or sat down) and had a go and we will look forward to hearing all about your achievements in due course.

After my mention of my son’s football struggles last week his team went on to win last Sunday with Hugh getting the winning goal. I told him, it doesn’t happen very often no matter how long you play, so savour it when it does. This combined with a win for Villa in the local derby with Birmingham and by Sunday everything in the Thackway house was looking rosy. On the negative side, at some point we are going to have to make some progress with the Christmas shopping.

Have a great weekend everyone and try not to shop too much.

Joe Thackway

Consent Required For New Foundation Use Of Images Policy

Parents will shortly be receiving an Evolve Consent Form for the Foundation’s new Use of Images Policy. We would be most grateful if you would complete and submit your response to this form by the deadline date of Friday 14 December.  A consent form is required for each child attending the school.

You can find the new Use of Images Policy attached to this article here.

The Foundation makes various uses of images of pupils during their time with us. Where these are necessary for administration and the safety of pupils, such as CCTV and for security ID, the Foundation does not require your consent.

Images are also used for marketing and promotional purposes, to celebrate the achievements of pupils, promote the work of the Foundation and the education it provides. The Foundation does require your consent for these purposes and we hope that parents will feel able to support the Foundation in using pupil images in this way.

Images generally will not have pupil names against them. Names will be used with images when, for instance, celebrating a specific pupil’s, team’s or group’s achievement.

Additional specific consent will be sought for instances when a single pupil is the main focus of a press release or on billboard or bus adverts.

You may withdraw consent at any time in the future by writing to the School Secretary at Crescent School.  Please be aware that it may not be possible to change printed publications, such as a Foundation magazine or prospectus, or third party publications (for example where we have placed an advert or provided an image to a newspaper).

Parking Complaints

Dear Parents

We have received complaints this week on the issue of parking around the school, both from parents and local residents. One particular concern relates to parking that is very close to a junction or is likely to make it very difficult for residents to access their property. The Highway Code states you should not park within 10 metres of a junction to allow drivers emerging from, or turning into, the junction a clear view of the road they are joining. It also allows them to see hazards such as pedestrians or cyclists at the junction. I realise that this will mean parking further from school for many but will make the roads near the school safer for everyone.

Whilst as a school we will do what we reasonably can to get these messages to staff and parents, I would remind you that we have no powers of enforcement. Our clear advice to all users of the school is that they should park legally and with due respect to our neighbours and other road users.

Thank you for your continued support of this message.

Joe Thackway


School Promise Rule Of The Week

For a two or three week period this year we will be focusing on one of the sayings in the new School Promise. We will talk about this in assembly and in form period. It would be great if you could discuss this with your children at home and support the messages we are emphasising in school.

This week we move back to the category of Good Learners. The idea behind this week’s promise is resilience and perseverance. This is such a key element of being a good learner. The desire and determination to master new skills can take children such a long way in education.

‘‘We never give up and always try again"

Joe Thackway