Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Phonics and Reading
The children have enjoyed another action-packed week in Reception and are really finding their feet within the daily routines and classroom expectations which is lovely to see. This week we began our Monster Phonics programme which has proved very popular with the children. The class have enjoyed meeting the different characters in the Monster Phonics world and focussing on the ‘black cat’ single-letter sounds: s, a, t and p. We have used our knowledge of these individual letter sounds to build and orally blend words such as: sat, tap, pat.

We have also looked at other words that include these letter sounds such as: cat, mat, in addition to learning the high frequency words: a, at and as. In learning ‘as’, we met the Monster Phonics ‘Tricky Witch’ who has cast a spell on this word to change the ‘s’ sound to a ‘z’.

In our reading, the children have been working hard to consolidate their phonics knowledge using the letter sound string in their reading diaries. Please see the below video link which demonstrates the ‘pure sound’ of each letter. We hope this helps when supporting your child with their reading at home.

Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds (British English) (

Next week in our Monster Phonics sessions we will continue to consolidate the sounds previously covered but also extend our knowledge to the letter sounds: i and n. The class will continue to develop their sound identification skills and enjoy opportunities to practice their ‘blending to read’. Our high frequency words next week will be: in, it, is, I, an.

In addition to developing their formation of numbers, the children have begun their handwriting of letters, using the handwriting lines of worm, grass, helicopter and sky to guide them. Using the cursive print means all our letters start at the bottom (whereas all our number formations begin at the top). The children have enjoyed using the sand and rice trays in addition to shaving foam to add a multi-sensory dimension to consolidating letter formation.
Some of the other things the children have been learning...
The continuous provision has been centred around stories we have enjoyed together. For example, the children have been developing their cutting and sticking skills by making cut-out collages of Little Rabbit Foo Foo and lollipop puppets based on We’re Going On A Bear Hunt. We have focused on pencil control on our tiger dot to dots, and strengthened fine motor skills with the modelling dough to make earth worms of differing length, both linked to our class reading of Little Rabbit Foo Foo. The children had lots of fun being creative in making their own paper plate self-portraits as part of our ‘Me And My Family’ topic.
How to help your child at home...
  • Encourage mark making/writing, ensuring a correct and comfortable pencil grip
  • Develop independence with practising packing school bags with daily equipment such as reading folder, water bottle and snack box.
  • Continue to encourage your child to dress independently – lots of practice is needed to master buttons!
  • Secure knowledge of 1-5, in terms of both amounts and one more/one less
  • Have fun playing eye-spy to strengthen identification of initial sounds of objects. You can extend this to objects with end with a particular letter sound eg. Bus (for ‘s’)
What’s coming up/notices/information...
A polite reminder to either email or send in copies of family photos, including grandparents and of course beloved pets!

Mrs Collie
Reception Class Teacher

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Reception French

Our Reception class have been learning how to greet each other in French and how to ask each other how they are feeling. They have been practising their speaking skills with various picture cards. They have also learnt various facts about France and you can see a lovely picture of the Tricolore.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

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Year 1 Round Up

The children in Year 1 have been working hard on practicing their phonics and spelling rules. We used chalk on the playground to consolidate our spellings this week.

In Maths, the children have been making 4, 5 and 6. We have used various concrete resources to aid our learning including cubes, pegs, dominos and numicons.

In PSHE this week, we have engaged in lots of role play on social situations and outlined who our five trusted adults are both at home and in school.

Miss Quirke
Class 1Q Form Teacher

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Year 1 Music

Year 1 have been busy learning songs for the PrePrep Harvest festival next month. Here they are celebrating that “It’s Harvest Time.”

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music

Year 2 Round Up

Understanding and supporting our feelings with the colour monster
We have been reading a story about, The Colour Monster. It is helping us identify and name our feelings by assigning a colour to describe them. Sometimes we can have lots of feelings and feel quite mixed up. Sometimes we might just feel one emotion – yellow for happy, blue for sad, green for calm, red for angry etc. Identifying our emotions and what makes us feel that way is the first step in boosting positivity and reducing the negative feelings we have. We have learnt that all emotions are valid, and we have to find ways to support all of them equally.
Fine motor skills 
It’s really important to develop our fine motor skills before our hand writing will develop and improve, so today we had the play dough out. We moulded, twisted, rolled and stretched the playdough into shapes. We moved our fingers and hands to help our muscles to get stronger so that our handwriting gets better. In Year 2 we will begin to join our letters, so building fine motor strength so that we can form our letters correctly is integral to our progression.
Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher



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