Around The Classes

Year 4 English

Year 4 have been delving deeper into the world of Horrid Henry this week, getting to know the main characters well enough to be able to describe them in detail. They've used a variety of interesting adjectives to bring them to life in English lessons and we even had some appearances of Horrid Henry himself in their homework projects! 

Ms Clark
Year 4 English Teacher
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Class 3SS Maths

3SS have dived straight into their new curriculum by consolidating their knowledge of place value and spotting number bonds and doubles to help them with addition and subtraction calculations. They have also enjoyed some peer marking with their purple pens and addressing any misconception or mistakes.

Mrs Stapleton
Class 3SS Form Teacher

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Class 3LS Speech Marks

This week, 3LS have been listening to I'll Take You To Mrs Cole by Michael Foreman. They looked at how the author writes down speech without using speech bubbles. They created their own speech bubbles, and then had a go at writing some speech down using the correct punctuation. They were absolutely ace at it!

Mrs Symons
Class 3LS Form Teacher


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Class 3LS French

Class 3LS have been studying the topic of free time activities in their French lessons. Here they are practising the new phrases with a card activity. They have also combined the phrases with the vocabulary for days of the week which they remembered very well from last year.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

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Class 4W Round Up

Class 4W have settled into our new classroom very well and are getting used to Miss Bowdige’s new name!

We have begun looking at number and place value in Maths and enjoyed studying Horrid Henry to help us with our expanded noun phrases in English. In RE, we are exploring how people pray in different religions and have discussed people who love us and help us when we are in need.

We are already receiving house points for excellent work and a couple of Mastery JDVs have been awarded. Sid the squirrel provides us with entertainment on occasion just outside our windows and we are loving seeing the colours as autumn takes hold.

Mrs Woolfenden
Class 4W Form Teacher

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Class 5F Maths

In 5F we often need to work together to get the job done in Maths as well as bounce ideas off each other. So we use the geometric 'Collaboration Carpet' area to do this. This time is usually with an adult, either Ms Forth or our wonderful TA, Mrs Dowling. Collaboration can make the maths a little simpler or sometimes tackle a challenge and helps to make us good learners.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head

Class 6W Art

6W have been looking at different expressive portrait drawings and have learnt how different mark making can help add expression. They have enjoyed experimenting with variety of shading techniques and have created some powerful tonal sketches.

Mrs Thackway
Art Teacher


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Class 6W English

6W read War Horse over the summer holidays. This has given them a great starting point for historical fiction. One element needed is to have words relevant to the time. 6W have enjoyed researching and using vocabulary from World War One times.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

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Co-curricular Clubs

We have had a great start to co-curricular this week. It’s been great see some new clubs around school like Darts, Bilinguasing, Creative Writing and Football.

In Bilinguasing children in Years 2, 3 and 4 have enjoyed singing songs and learning French, it was great to see the children improving both their French and their singing.

In Football, this year we have an outside provider providing this club, if your child enjoys this sport and are in Year 4, 5 or 6 they will have a great time outside improving their skills!

There are still a few spaces available in some clubs if you wish to sign your child up.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head and Year 6 Teacher


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Mock Exam Helps Year 6 Prepare

Year 6 are working hard preparing for the upcoming entrance exam season. Many pupils are sitting a number of examinations over the next few weeks and months so to help them prepare, this week they have had the chance to sit a mock exam in the school hall. It was all part of our focused approach to help pupils understand what is expected of them and to help them feel fully supported.

We are extremely proud of how quickly the children have got straight back into their learning this term and we wish them all the very best with their upcoming exams.