Important Information

Pastoral Update

Dear Parents

We have been delighted to see a calm and happy atmosphere fill the school once again in these opening days of the new term. This has been highlighted by the growing bonds of mutual respect and fun between our new Reception children and their Year 6 buddies and with all of our new children starting at Crescent, alongside the resumption of previous friendships.

In my changed role, alongside always noting this, it remains crucial that we don't take it for granted and remain proactive in expecting the best of behaviour from all children.

As such, over upcoming weeks, I will be leading a review of these expectations and any necessary sanction: making them meaningful, clear, consistent and fair to all.

This will involve consultation with all staff, significant listening to pupil voice through form times and school council and parental input.

We will be in touch again before half term with a parental questionnaire about all aspects of school life, which will include an opportunity for parental behaviour feedback which will further support best outcomes for all children.

Best Wishes

Alan Webb
Pastoral Lead

Good Luck Year 6

This weekend many of Class 6W are taking the 11+, we wish them all the very best for it.

They are fully prepared for the assessment and for the upcoming independent school examinations. During their time at Crescent they have taken part in mocks and focused lessons so children don't face the unknown on the day and instead feel fully prepared and supported.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

Kindles Or Other E-ReadersĀ In School

Kindles or other e-readers are allowed in school from Year 3 for the children to read from. It is important that reading is as accessible as possible for children and often books are cheaper online. The children really only need to be reading one book rather than having a school book and a home book, one book can do both jobs and will save on confusion for the child.

If you decide that your child can bring their Kindle or other e-reader in, then it is to be used for reading ONLY. There will be no internet access. If a child is found using it inappropriately then parents will be informed. The Kindle will be the child's responsibility and any breakages are not our responsibility.

Please be reassured there are more than enough books in school for your child to enjoy and there is no necessity for your child to have a Kindle or e-reader, it is just a different way to access books if you wish to.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head 

Harvest Festival Donations For Rugby Food Bank

It is that time of year again when we are thankful for all that we have and reflect on those who don't have enough. We have been supporting the important work of the Rugby Food Bank for a number of years and we continue to do so this year.

From Monday 23 September, we are asking for our families to bring any donations into school, via the normal student entrance where they will be met by our Year 6 helpers. We will collect and store our donations until Friday 11 October when we will be arranging for them to be collected by Rugby Food Bank. 

Many thanks in advance for your continued support and generosity for this cause.

Mrs Stapleton
Head of RE
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Co-Curricular Club Availability

Please note the folowing below:

Bilinguasing - Years 2 - 4 - Thursday 3.45pm
There are places in this club so it has been opened up to Year 2.  Please click here for further information and the booking link is here.
Didi Rugby - Years 1 - 3 - Thursday 3.30pm
This has been opened up to Year 3  - click here for further information.
Mrs Webb
Assistant Head