Digital Citizenship

Seesaw For Parents At Crescent - Keeping You In The Learning Loop!

Although we appreciate that for some of you who experienced the 'joys' of home learning, just hearing the word 'Seesaw' might still be slightly triggering... we absolutely love it here at Crescent and use it as one of our key learning platforms for a number of reasons. 

Its primary strength lies in the ability for pupils to easily and speedily upload and share their work with others. Using the exact same tools pupils and parents were using to share the learning that went on in your homes, we can now use it to instantly share our fabulous learning with you wherever you are, making you feel like you're in the classroom with us! 

This obviously has a number of key benefits for both parents and pupils, as it will provide a great insight into your child's learning, give you the chance to add your own positive comments and feedback to their work, and hopefully avoid that inevitable "can't remember..." response you get when you ask them what they did at school today! It also gives your children an enormous amount of pride in their work, knowing that what they produce can be digitally shared with their parents at work or home in seconds.

If Seesaw is completely new to you, then getting started couldn't be easier. You should hopefully have already received your unique Seesaw family login sheet via your child, although if you haven't just drop their form tutor a quick email and they will be able to email you back a digital copy. 

Just download the Seesaw App on to any device, select 'family member' then scan the QR code on the sheet. This should then give you access to all of your child's Seesaw classes, enabling you to see and comment (we love positive comments from parents!) on any work your child has posted.

Mr Adkins
Head of Digital Learning
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