
Issue 35 Of The Minnacle Just Published

The latest issue of The Minnacle has just been published, showcasing yet more of our pupils' excellent work. The Minnacle celebrates our pupils at their best and this edition includes plenty more examples of their outstanding efforts.

You can download a copy of The Minnacle to read here and it is also available on our school website here.

Why not take a look at the latest Pinnacle, which shares equally impressive work by Princethorpe College pupils. You can find it on our website too.

New Green Team Appointed

Crescent School has a Green Team who champion sustainability, and specifically how we can improve our biodiversity, waste and recycling, and water usage. 

Last year the Green Team worked tirelessly championing sustainability issues across the school, their enthusiasm and motivation were inspiring to us all. 

However, we have started a new school year, so in Assembly this morning we announced that the following children will be our new Green Team for 2024/25:

  • Nora and Mingyi in Year 6
  • Mithun and Ava in Year 5
  • Walter, Klara, Jahnavi and Alice in Year 4
  • Isabel, Thato, Keevie and Iris in Year 3
  • Sahiba and Aydin in Year 2 

Congratulations to them all. We look forward to seeing your work over the coming year.

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT

Mr Thackway Celebrated A Special Birthday

Our wonderful Headmaster, Mr Thackway,celebrated his 60th birthday this week and our pupils and staff weren't going to let him get away without a suitable celebration.

They surprised him first thing in the morning, in the playground, with a super rendition of Happy Birthday at the start of the school day. Mr Thackway was then presented with a rose for his garden, two beautiful pictures of birds for his office, and Dawn, our school Chef, made him a brilliant birthday cake.

Everyone here at Crescent School hopes he enjoyed celebrating his big birthday!

You can listen to a clip of the children singing here.

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Year 6 Learn About Leadership

Year 6 enjoyed learning about the art of leadership on Tuesday as they prepared for their Play Leader roles this year.

They were asked to think about inspirational leaders and the qualities and key attributes strong leaders hold. They then thought about the characteristics they possess and those they may need to work on. They learnt about communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, the importance of clear and concise instructions and how important it is to plan ahead and be prepared, and to always have a Plan B. The physical aspect of the course was next, learning to carry out a risk assessment of the playing area and how to warm up in a safe and fun way.

Pupils then had the opportunity to lead their peers through a variety of warm up games before planning and adapting their own games and activities to run. Year 6 were focused throughout their training session, and we are positive they are going to have a great time running their activities with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 this year.

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Year 6 Get To Know Their Reception Buddies

A valued and important tradition here at Crescent School is for the Year 6 children to buddy with a Reception child to support them through their first year at school. The Year 6s help Reception settle into school, assisting them at lunchtime, modelling good manners, encouraging them in their play and generally being friendly, helpful and welcoming.

Our Year 6s have enjoyed spending time with their new Reception buddies this week, beginning the process of building a strong bond. It’s a rite of passage for our Year 6 pupils, an opportunity for them to give back to their school community and we know they all enjoy playing their part.

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Scholastic Book Club

Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running. To browse the latest books and order online, please click on the link below. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards.

Book Club

Please place your order online by 1 October 2024.  

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Foundation News: Countdown To Princethorpe College Entrance Exams

With just eight weeks to go, the countdown to Princethorpe's Entrance Exams for admission in September 2025 is well underway. This year the exams for Year 7 to 10 entry will take place on Saturday 9 November from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

The deadline for registrations for the Entrance Examination is Friday 27 September. Year 6 parents wishing their children to sit the Princethorpe entrance exam must complete a registration form and submit it with the accompanying registration fee by this date.

More information on the admissions process can be found in Princethorpe's Admissions Update newsletter here or on the Foundation website here.

You can register for the Entrance Examination by filling out our online registration form here

If you have any queries relating to admissions please speak to the Registrars at Princethorpe College, either by email at or by calling 01926 634201/297.