
Princethorpe College Open Afternoon And Admissions Events - Reminder

Wednesday 11 September - 6.30pm to 7.30pm

The College's Admissions Team will be holding a Virtual Parents' Q & A session on Wednesday 11 September from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

The event will be a live streamed Q & A session with Grove du Toit (Headmaster), Michael Spencer (Deputy Head - Academic) and Catherine Rogers (Registrar).

This is a chance for parents interested in Year 7 entry to the College in September 2025 to ask our Admissions Team questions relating to the admissions process and Entrance Examinations Day in an informal forum before the registration deadline of Friday 27 September.

If you would like to attend please click on this link where you will also be able to submit any questions in advance.

Sunday 15 September - 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Princethorpe will be holding its annual Open Afternoon on Sunday 15 September from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. All are welcome to visit the College and for younger visitors, there will be many fun subject related activities organised by the departments.

The Headmaster will address visitors during the afternoon and refreshments will be available. 

To book your place please click here.

NEW Pathway to Princethorpe - Admissions Podcast

Discover the ins and outs of applying to Princethorpe College in this new informative podcast series. From choosing the right school to preparing for the entrance exams, this podcast aims to help parents navigate the admissions process step by step. This is perfect for parents whose children are looking to join Princethorpe in Year 7 to Year 10. Join Catherine Rogers, Registrar and Georgia Newborough, Assistant Registrar, as they explore Princethorpe, share expert tips, and demystify the journey into independent secondary school.

Each episode is released every Friday on Spotify YouTube and Amazon Music, please click the links below and subscribe so you do not miss an episode.



Amazon Music 

KS2 Online Platforms Information Session On Teams

Wednesday 18 September 2024 - 7.00pm

We are very much looking forward to sharing with you the online learning resources that are accessible to you at home to work on, alongside your child, to support their learning further.

This will be run as a Teams meeting on Wednesday 18 September at 7.00pm. The link will be sent through to you prior to the event.

If you have any questions please submit them through the meeting chat and we will endeavour to deal with them then or they can be sent to your child's Form Tutor.

If you are unable to make the time of the meeting, we will be recording the session and we will send it along with any resources to all parents in Years 3 to 6.

Within this meeting we will be looking at Spellzone, Abacus, Accelerated Reading and Times Tables Rock Stars.

Mrs Symons- Class 3LS Form Teacher
Mrs Stapleton - Class 3SS Form Teacher
Ms Clark - Class 4C Form Teacher/Head of English
Mrs Woolfenden - 4W Form Teacher
Mrs Webb - Assistant Head
Ms Forth - Deputy Head


Nasal Flu Vaccination

Thursday 19 September 2024 - 9.00am to 12.00pm

Nasal Flu vaccinations will take place in school on the above date. This is a change to the date published in the termly calendar.

A link to consent has already been sent to parents. If you haven't submitted your consent please click on the link below by Tuesday 10 September 2024:

Nasal Flu Vaccinations 

Crescent School