Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...
It’s hard to believe we’ve already completed a whole week in school and the class are now familiar with structured play routines in Reception. We have all been making new friends and enjoying lunchtimes with our Year 6 buddies. We have started our specialist lessons with Mrs Barnes for Music, Mr Adkins for IT, Mrs McCollin for PE and Mrs Day for French.

In class we have been trying hard to establish comfortable pencil grips and practised reading and writing our names.

We have been singing number rhymes and practised counting to 10.

Some of the things the children will be learning in the weeks to come...
Next week we will start to look at books with repetitive chants. We will use the texts We’re Going On a Bear Hunt and Little Rabbit Foo Foo in our learning.

In Maths we will be looking for, and creating our own repeating patterns. We will practise number formation focussing on numerals 1-5.

We will be starting our first topic, ‘Me and Family’ and talking about our favourite things.

In Phonics we will be introducing single sounds initially focussing on;

s     a     t     p     i     n

c      k      e      h      r     m     d


How to help your child at home...

  • Practise single letters and their sounds. Play games that encourage the children to identify the initial sounds of objects e.g. eye-spy
  • Share stories, encourage the children to identify sounds in print
  • Encourage mark making/writing and practise holding a pencil correctly and comfortably
  • Practise counting to 20
  • Match numerals (1-5) to amounts
  • Encourage the children to dress independently
  • Practise packing school bags with daily equipment – reading folders, snack bags

What’s coming up/ notices/ information...

  • Please remember to send in a puddle suit and wellies for Forest School. Also please send spare underwear in their bags so we are prepared for any accidents
  • Timetables have been sent home – please ask if you have any queries
  • On Fridays we have ‘Show and Tell.’ The children are invited to bring in something from home that they are willing to share and talk about

Mrs Collie
Reception Class Teacher 

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Class 1Q French

Class 1Q enjoyed listening to a story in English written by a French author. The Happy Lion (Le lion heureux) by Louise Fatio. The children all listened beautifully. We also discussed watching the Paralympics in Paris.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

Class 1Q Maths

In Year 1 Maths this week, we have been busy studying numbers 1-20. We had lots of fun on a ‘number hunt’ around the classroom. We then consolidated our counting skills by counting objects in our workbooks.

Miss Quirke
Class 1Q Form Teacher

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Class 2E Round Up

Celebrating being part of class 2E
We have started an activity called ‘start the year with a bang’. There are 20 balloons around the screen in the classroom all with a name inside. Each day we pop one balloon and the child whose name comes out is celebrated that day – they get to be at the front of the line and the children all tell their friend the things that they like about them and we write it on their certificate. It’s a great way for the children to feel a special part of the class and to know how much they are valued and what they are valued for. If we are having a bit of a sad day, we can look at our certificate and see just how loved we are. 
Scientific skills
In Science we have been developing the core scientific skill of observation. We used magnifying glasses and applied a systematic approach, recognising detail and patterns. After carefully observing pasta, sponge, a feather and a shell and drawing our observations, the children observed a range of items around the classroom. Great discussion about why some people’s observations were different to others and the importance of detail.

Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher

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