Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

For once the sun didn't shine on the September return to school, in what is normally the unwritten weather law of the land. However, the children have lit up the building throughout the week with their enthusiasm and good humour. It is always such a pleasure to see them return fresh and ready for a new school year. I remember very well the stress and strain of getting young children ready for school, looking for lost socks, packing the right items and so on, so really well done to all of the parents for getting through the first week so well. 
Given all of the reports in the media about parents taking children out for school holidays, it is also lovely to note that every single one of our children, without exception, was in school on the first day and have therefore enjoyed four excellent days of schoolwork, not to mention getting to know new teachers and peers and settling down to new routines. 
The first week in Reception class is always a particularly exciting one, and once again there has been a smooth start to the year here. Some nerves, and the odd tear, are not out of place during the first few days, but I am delighted to report that within a very short time of parents leaving, the children have all settled down to their new class with Mrs Collie. Mrs Collie deserves a special mention for standing in so expertly in the absence of Mrs Pullen. If possible, we encourage parents to say their farewells at the gate from next Monday, and there will be plenty of friendly Year 6 children around to help out.  
On the theme of farewells, this weekend is special one for the Thackway family as our youngest son Hugh is about to begin his first term at Edinburgh University, studying art. A bit like some of the children this week, Hugh has definitely been experiencing some last-minute nerves. Assuming these don’t get the better of him, we will battle through the M6 traffic on Friday evening and see him into his new halls of residence on Saturday morning. He is located right in the heart of the Old Town, cobbled streets and all, so not a bad place to start your uni life. Lucky him. 
Have a great weekend everyone.


Joe Thackway