
Bwengu Projects Update

Last school year, Year 4 chose to fundraise for the much-needed refurbishment of Nachimphu Early Learning Centre in Chitipa, in the most northern part of Malawi. Year 4 worked incredibly hard organising lots of events and smashed their fundraising target raising a huge total of £2,036.

The work on their nominated projects has now been completed and this week we received this super photo of the dedication painted on the external wall.

A really big thank to everyone who supported Year 4’s incredible fundraising efforts. Year 4 you should be very proud of yourselves!

New School Year New Class Photos

It’s great to have the children back in school and settling into their new routines. We always like to start the new year with a new class photo, so in between lessons on Wednesday we took the children outside and asked them to show us their beautiful big smiles.

It’s been a fantastic first few days of fabulous new lessons, catching up with or making new friends, sitting down for lunch together, and just generally enjoying school life.

Welcome back everyone!

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Science Poster Competition Years 3 - 6

Scientists in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, you are invited to take part in a Crescent school poster competition. In one of your Science lessons this week you will have learnt about keeping yourself and others safe in the Science room. You are invited to create a safety poster - all of the information is on Seesaw. The winning posters will be used in the Science room for the next academic year.

Please bring your posters to me or send to me on Seesaw or by email: by next Friday 13 September 2024.

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT

Crescent School Is On Social Media

Did you know that we are on Facebook, X and Instagram? We use social media to share all that goes on, day in day out, in our super school. We post regularly to keep you up to date with school news and school life, and to share all the wonderful activities and amazing work our fantastic pupils do.

If you engage with social media, why not check out our pages and be sure to follow us so that you never miss a post.