Important Information

Absence Requests For Holiday During Term Time Reminder

Parents are discouraged from taking pupils out of school during term-time because of the impact it has on their learning. Should this be unavoidable, permission should always be sought in advance from the headteacher. I am only able to pre-authorise absences on certain grounds such as religious observances and special family occasions.

Please ensure you submit any absence requests in good time, through My School Portal.

Joe Thackway



Safeguarding - Pupils Arriving At School And Collection

Please ensure that you wait with your child(ren) at drop off until the school's opening at 8.15am. It is only at this time that school becomes responsible for all children's safe care. Before this time it is a parental duty.

Please note, however, that all children can be brought by their parents, to the front door, at any time from 7.45am to 8.15am where they will be welcomed and looked after by our Early Bird staff as appropriate for their age. This does not need to be booked in advance but a charge will apply.

All children should be in school by 8.40am which is when the bell rings for the start of the school day.

Also, please let the school office and/or your child's form teacher know if someone else will be collecting your child at the end of the day. We cannot release pupils without this information.

Mr Webb
Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Dismissal Information

Please note the following dismisal information at the end of the day:

  • Reception - will be dismissed through the After School gate next to the car park.  Please wait there and Mrs Noyce will let you though at 3.30pm.
  • Classes 1Q, 2E and 4W will be dismissed through the bottom door on the field at 3.45pm
  • Classes 3LS, 3SS and 4C  will be dismissed through the pupil entrance side door at 3.45pm
  • Classes 5F and 6W will be dismissed through the main school entrance at 3.45pm

After School Collection

Please go to the After School gate near the car park and press the buzzer where staff will approve entry and release the gate.  Please ensure this closes after you enter and leave.  

Crescent School

Nut Aware School

Crescent School, along with the other schools of the Princethorpe Foundation, is a Nut Aware School. Whilst we cannot guarantee that children won’t come into contact with nuts or products with nut traces, we endeavour to reduce this risk as far as we can.

The aim of this strategy is to reduce the risk to those who may suffer an anaphylactic reaction if exposed to nuts to which they are sensitive. There are currently children in school with a known nut allergy. Exposure to nuts for these children could result in serious consequences.

Our 'Nut-Aware’ approach, means that any food items with nuts listed as an ingredient should not be brought into school. This includes the following:

  • Packs of nuts
  • Peanut butter/Nutella sandwiches
  • Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
  • Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts
  • Sesame seed rolls (children allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame)
  • Cakes made with nuts and marzipan

No nuts are used in any of the food prepared on site at our school.  Our suppliers provide us with nut-free products. However, we cannot guarantee freedom from nut traces.

Many food products nowadays carry precautionary allergen labelling, often with statements like ‘may contain traces of nuts’ or ‘made in a factory that handles nuts’. Where nuts are not listed as an ingredient, these products are allowed in school.
We ask all parents to support us in this policy by providing nut-free mid-morning snacks and not using nuts in cakes provided for bake sales or fund-raising events.

Joe Thackway

No Dogs On Site

In line with many, if not all, primary aged schools, dogs are not allowed on the main school site. If you come to school with a dog please keep it on a lead and avoid coming onto the main site beyond the drop off gate (the one next to the parents’ noticeboard) and the After School gate.

With thanks for your understanding and support on this important health and safety matter.

Joe Thackway



Children will be given their Timetables on Tuesday.  If you refer to the Welcome Evening presentations sent out at the end of term there is a draft copy of timetables in there.

Crescent School