Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

August is nearly done, and we all know that that means; the return to school is upon us. You will have got the children's new uniforms ready and cleaned and ready to go, pencil cases bulging, shoes shined and hopes high. Along with high hopes will be some butterflies in tummies for the children as they return, butterflies that they might be surprised to hear are also felt by the teachers and the team as we prepare for the big day.

I hope that you will be reassured to know that the school is in excellent shape and has benefited from lots of TLC over the summer weeks. The newly refurbished Mortimer Foyer is looking spectacular and has created a superb learning environment for the children in that part of the school, adjacent to their classrooms. All of the dedicated teachers have been in over the summer holidays preparing the rooms and putting up bright and cheerful displays to welcome the children back. Mr Knowles and the Estates team have been hard at work fixing, building, cleaning, clearing, painting and gardening. The school field looks very inviting, and it won't be long before the children are out there enjoying their Games and PE lessons once again.

Of course, it is an especially significant day for those children starting at the school for the first time, either entering into Reception or for those children coming into Year 3 or Year 4. They will be made particularly welcome on their first day and the teachers have everything prepared for them and I know that their fellow pupils are always excited to greet and welcome new classmates.

For Reception parents, you are welcome to come through the school into the foyer outside the Reception room to say your final goodbyes for the day. We would advise, if possible, not to come into the classroom itself but to use the doorway as the cut-off point. Hopefully there won't be tears, but on the odd occasion when we do get them the children quickly recover and adapt to their new day in school.

On a separate note, for those families thinking about next steps for their children’s educations, an excellent place to start, or find out more, is the new Princethorpe Admissions Podcast - Pathway to Princethorpe. Please follow the link here to find out more.

I hope that this mini edition of the Courier is helpful for you and I encourage you once again to make it a Friday habit to read through this each week. There is news on the week ahead as well as reflections on the one gone by, all the details that you need regarding events and fixtures when they come around, as well as uniform and such like. Lots of work goes into preparing the Courier and I do encourage you to take full advantage of that as it enables you to both support your child in school and plan your own busy schedules effectively.

I look forward to seeing all of the children back here on Tuesday morning at the start of another happy and exciting term in school.

With all best wishes for the year ahead.

Joe Thackway