
Sport And Swimming Information

Dear Parents

For the first week back I have put together some information below regarding sport:


All Pre-Prep children should bring their PE kit to school on Tuesday and this will be left on their pegs and returned at half term to be washed.

Swimming will commence for 1Q and 2E w/c 9 September.  

  • 1Q and 2E swim on a Monday
Years 3-6

The weekly schedule is as follows:
  • Classes 4W, 4C and 5F have PE and kit should be brought into school and either left in school or taken home after


  • Class 6W have PE and kit should be brought into school either left in school or taken home after
  • Year 3 will swim on a Tuesday (commencing 10 September)
  • Year 4 have their games afternoon and games kit should be worn to school


  • Year 4 swim on a Wednesday (commencing on 4 September)
  • Years 5 and 6 have their games afternoon and games kit should be worn to school


  • Years 5 and 6 have swimming (commencing on 5 September)
  • Years 3 have their games afternoon and games kit should be worn to school


  • Class 3LS have PE on a Friday and kit should be brought into school either left in school or taken home after

Please click here to view the PE/Games schedule for Years 3 to 6.

Do contact me if you have any queries.

Mrs McCollin
Head of PE and Games