A warm welcome to the first Courier of the 2024-25 academic year, we hope everyone has had a good summer break. We are looking forward to welcoming pupils back to school next Tuesday 3 September.

This week’s newsletter contains key information for the return to school. Please do read through it to familiarise yourself.

We are looking forward to another busy and exciting school year.


Foundation Principal's Message

Foundation Principal's Message

Having had two of our three staff induction and training days, all our schools are well prepped and looking forward to welcoming the pupils back after the summer break.

Following my email on Wednesday 21 August I hope all our Foundation parents will be aware of our response to the Government’s plan to add VAT on private school fees and our intention that if implemented, we will reduce our fees so that the gross increase passed on to parents will be 5%, substantially less than the 20% VAT rate. For more detailed information visit our website here.

Many thanks to parents across our Foundation schools for your feedback on our strategy which has been overwhelmingly both appreciative and positive of our efforts to minimise the impact on our families, whilst maintaining the high quality of the education we provide.

Of course, this is currently draft legislation, and the Treasury is in the process of consulting over the plans until Sunday 15 September. Whilst the Government is committed to implementing the tax changes, this consultation is an opportunity for us to raise concerns and suggest potential mitigations to the policy, we will therefore be submitting our response to the draft legislation, alongside industry bodies and fellow schools.

We will also be continuing our dialogue with the newly elected local MPs, who will be voting on the legislation, so they are aware of the impact on our schools and families in their constituencies.

It is a public consultation so if you would like to add your voice to ours, you can do so by emailing independentschools@hmtreasury.gov.uk or contacting your local MP, see link here.

If you have any queries or comments on the prospective January fee increase and the matters outlined in this email, please submit them using the link here. If there is any change to the Government’s position following the consultation, then we will of course provide further information.

Many thanks for your continued support of the Foundation, we are heartened that we start the year on the back of excellent A-level and GCSE results at the College and with the Foundation in very strong position.

I send our best wishes to all our families for the start of the Michaelmas Term.

E D Hester

Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

August is nearly done, and we all know that that means; the return to school is upon us. You will have got the children's new uniforms ready and cleaned and ready to go, pencil cases bulging, shoes shined and hopes high. Along with high hopes will be some butterflies in tummies for the children as they return, butterflies that they might be surprised to hear are also felt by the teachers and the team as we prepare for the big day.

I hope that you will be reassured to know that the school is in excellent shape and has benefited from lots of TLC over the summer weeks. The newly refurbished Mortimer Foyer is looking spectacular and has created a superb learning environment for the children in that part of the school, adjacent to their classrooms. All of the dedicated teachers have been in over the summer holidays preparing the rooms and putting up bright and cheerful displays to welcome the children back. Mr Knowles and the Estates team have been hard at work fixing, building, cleaning, clearing, painting and gardening. The school field looks very inviting, and it won't be long before the children are out there enjoying their Games and PE lessons once again.

Of course, it is an especially significant day for those children starting at the school for the first time, either entering into Reception or for those children coming into Year 3 or Year 4. They will be made particularly welcome on their first day and the teachers have everything prepared for them and I know that their fellow pupils are always excited to greet and welcome new classmates.

For Reception parents, you are welcome to come through the school into the foyer outside the Reception room to say your final goodbyes for the day. We would advise, if possible, not to come into the classroom itself but to use the doorway as the cut-off point. Hopefully there won't be tears, but on the odd occasion when we do get them the children quickly recover and adapt to their new day in school.

On a separate note, for those families thinking about next steps for their children’s educations, an excellent place to start, or find out more, is the new Princethorpe Admissions Podcast - Pathway to Princethorpe. Please follow the link here to find out more.

I hope that this mini edition of the Courier is helpful for you and I encourage you once again to make it a Friday habit to read through this each week. There is news on the week ahead as well as reflections on the one gone by, all the details that you need regarding events and fixtures when they come around, as well as uniform and such like. Lots of work goes into preparing the Courier and I do encourage you to take full advantage of that as it enables you to both support your child in school and plan your own busy schedules effectively.

I look forward to seeing all of the children back here on Tuesday morning at the start of another happy and exciting term in school.

With all best wishes for the year ahead.

Joe Thackway

Important Information

Absence Requests For Holiday During Term Time Reminder

Parents are discouraged from taking pupils out of school during term-time because of the impact it has on their learning. Should this be unavoidable, permission should always be sought in advance from the headteacher. I am only able to pre-authorise absences on certain grounds such as religious observances and special family occasions.

Please ensure you submit any absence requests in good time, through My School Portal.

Joe Thackway



Safeguarding - Pupils Arriving At School And Collection

Please ensure that you wait with your child(ren) at drop off until the school's opening at 8.15am. It is only at this time that school becomes responsible for all children's safe care. Before this time it is a parental duty.

Please note, however, that all children can be brought by their parents, to the front door, at any time from 7.45am to 8.15am where they will be welcomed and looked after by our Early Bird staff as appropriate for their age. This does not need to be booked in advance but a charge will apply.

All children should be in school by 8.40am which is when the bell rings for the start of the school day.

Also, please let the school office and/or your child's form teacher know if someone else will be collecting your child at the end of the day. We cannot release pupils without this information.

Mr Webb
Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Dismissal Information

Please note the following dismisal information at the end of the day:

  • Reception - will be dismissed through the After School gate next to the car park.  Please wait there and Mrs Noyce will let you though at 3.30pm.
  • Classes 1Q, 2E and 4W will be dismissed through the bottom door on the field at 3.45pm
  • Classes 3LS, 3SS and 4C  will be dismissed through the pupil entrance side door at 3.45pm
  • Classes 5F and 6W will be dismissed through the main school entrance at 3.45pm

After School Collection

Please go to the After School gate near the car park and press the buzzer where staff will approve entry and release the gate.  Please ensure this closes after you enter and leave.  

Crescent School

Nut Aware School

Crescent School, along with the other schools of the Princethorpe Foundation, is a Nut Aware School. Whilst we cannot guarantee that children won’t come into contact with nuts or products with nut traces, we endeavour to reduce this risk as far as we can.

The aim of this strategy is to reduce the risk to those who may suffer an anaphylactic reaction if exposed to nuts to which they are sensitive. There are currently children in school with a known nut allergy. Exposure to nuts for these children could result in serious consequences.

Our 'Nut-Aware’ approach, means that any food items with nuts listed as an ingredient should not be brought into school. This includes the following:

  • Packs of nuts
  • Peanut butter/Nutella sandwiches
  • Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
  • Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts
  • Sesame seed rolls (children allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame)
  • Cakes made with nuts and marzipan

No nuts are used in any of the food prepared on site at our school.  Our suppliers provide us with nut-free products. However, we cannot guarantee freedom from nut traces.

Many food products nowadays carry precautionary allergen labelling, often with statements like ‘may contain traces of nuts’ or ‘made in a factory that handles nuts’. Where nuts are not listed as an ingredient, these products are allowed in school.
We ask all parents to support us in this policy by providing nut-free mid-morning snacks and not using nuts in cakes provided for bake sales or fund-raising events.

Joe Thackway

No Dogs On Site

In line with many, if not all, primary aged schools, dogs are not allowed on the main school site. If you come to school with a dog please keep it on a lead and avoid coming onto the main site beyond the drop off gate (the one next to the parents’ noticeboard) and the After School gate.

With thanks for your understanding and support on this important health and safety matter.

Joe Thackway



Children will be given their Timetables on Tuesday.  If you refer to the Welcome Evening presentations sent out at the end of term there is a draft copy of timetables in there.

Crescent School

Weekly Information

Information for the Week Ahead

Weekly Calendar
There is not a weekly calendar to print off/view this week.  
Co-curricular starts on Monday 9 September, we look forward to starting our new routines that week.  Please ensure your child knows the clubs they are attending each day by logging into SOCS.
Lunch Menu
Please click here to view next week's menu.
Music Lessons
Music Lessons start week commencing 9 September, the timetable will be published in next week's Courier.
After School
Provision can be booked through My School Portal selecting the sessions you require. If you require your child to have tea, please ensure bookings are made by 10.00am each day.  


Crescent School

Michaelmas Calendar Information

Please find below a link to view this term’s Crescent School calendar. We hope that you will find it a useful aide memoir when planning school events and activities into your busy schedules. There is plenty to look forward to, including lots of fixtures, Harvest Festival, the Foundation Choral performance, the Book Fair, LAMDA Showcase and then at the event of the term all of the Christmas peformances.

Where possible, we will try to avoid making alterations or additions to this published calendar but if we do find this is necessary due to unavoidable changes to arrangements, you will be informed of these by electronic communication or in the weekly Courier. 

You can also keep track of everything going on via My School Portal and the school website www.crescentschool.co.uk, where you can also add events and reminders to your own electronic calendars by clicking on the relevant links.

Crescent School Michaelmas Term Calendar 2024 

Crescent School


Heritage Open Day

Sunday 8 September 2024 - 2.00pm to 4.00pm

The Foundation's senior school, Princethorpe College will be opening its doors again in partnership with Heritage Open Days to share and celebrate the rich history of the school with the wider community.

Heritage Open Days is England's largest community-led festival of history and culture, involving thousands of local volunteers and organisations. Every year in September it brings people together to celebrate their heritage, community and history. Stories are told, traditions explored, and histories brought to life. It’s the nation's chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all free!

Archivist, Jo Wong, has been busy preparing a display of key items from our diverse catalogue of archive materials ready to share the rich history of the iconic setting with visitors on Sunday 8 September.

Built in 1832, St Mary's Priory was one of the first Catholic buildings in England after the reformation. Come for a tour of the magnificent building and discover its history, including the routes and connections that made it the place it is today.

Guided Tours will be staggered, taking place at 2.00pm, 2.30pm and 3.00pm, with last entry at 3.00pm. All are welcome.

View Gallery

Princethorpe College Open Afternoon And Admissions Events

Wednesday 11 September - 6.30pm to 7.30pm

The College's Admissions Team will be holding a Virtual Parents' Q & A session on Wednesday 11 September from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

The event will be a live streamed Q & A session with Grove du Toit (Headmaster), Michael Spencer (Deputy Head - Academic) and Catherine Rogers (Registrar).

This is a chance for parents interested in Year 7 entry to the College in September 2025 to ask our Admissions Team questions relating to the admissions process and Entrance Examinations Day in an informal forum before the registration deadline of Friday 27 September.

If you would like to attend please click on this link where you will also be able to submit any questions in advance.

Sunday 15 September - 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Princethorpe will be holding its annual Open Afternoon on Sunday 15 September from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. All are welcome to visit the College and for younger visitors, there will be many fun subject related activities organised by the departments.

The Headmaster will address visitors during the afternoon and refreshments will be available. 

To book your place please click here.

NEW Pathway to Princethorpe - Admissions Podcast

Discover the ins and outs of applying to Princethorpe College in this new informative podcast series. From choosing the right school to preparing for the entrance exams, this podcast aims to help parents navigate the admissions process step by step. This is perfect for parents whose children are looking to join Princethorpe in Year 7 to Year 10. Join Catherine Rogers, Registrar and Georgia Newborough, Assistant Registrar, as they explore Princethorpe, share expert tips, and demystify the journey into independent secondary school.

Each episode is released every Friday on Spotify YouTube and Amazon Music, please click the links below and subscribe so you do not miss an episode.



Amazon Music 


Sport And Swimming Information

Dear Parents

For the first week back I have put together some information below regarding sport:


All Pre-Prep children should bring their PE kit to school on Tuesday and this will be left on their pegs and returned at half term to be washed.

Swimming will commence for 1Q and 2E w/c 9 September.  

  • 1Q and 2E swim on a Monday
Years 3-6

The weekly schedule is as follows:
  • Classes 4W, 4C and 5F have PE and kit should be brought into school and either left in school or taken home after


  • Class 6W have PE and kit should be brought into school either left in school or taken home after
  • Year 3 will swim on a Tuesday (commencing 10 September)
  • Year 4 have their games afternoon and games kit should be worn to school


  • Year 4 swim on a Wednesday (commencing on 4 September)
  • Years 5 and 6 have their games afternoon and games kit should be worn to school


  • Years 5 and 6 have swimming (commencing on 5 September)
  • Years 3 have their games afternoon and games kit should be worn to school


  • Class 3LS have PE on a Friday and kit should be brought into school either left in school or taken home after

Please click here to view the PE/Games schedule for Years 3 to 6.

Do contact me if you have any queries.

Mrs McCollin
Head of PE and Games


Payment of School Fees

The Foundation is constantly looking closely at all ways to reduce our costs and consequently keep our fees as low as possible - not least with the announcement that VAT will be chargeable on tuition fees from January 2025.  

One significant cost, despite having a highly competitive agreement, relates to the charges we incur when fees are paid by debit or credit card, currently in the region of £50,000 per annum. Direct debit and bank transfer are entirely without additional costs. 

We want to start saving money without delay, so have withdrawn the card payment option. If you currently pay by card, we would now ask you to please pay your fees by one of the following alternative methods:  

  • direct debit – a form is linked here, please sign and return the form to the School Office marked for the attention of the Bursary (fees are due on the first day of term so please allow sufficient time for processing);  
  • direct bank transfer - bank details can be found on our website and your termly invoice;  
  • school fee plan - leaflet is linked here.    

Whilst we recognise that paying by card is a convenient option for some parents, we believe that it is better to use this money to help reduce the amount payable by all parents from January. This is one of a range of cost saving measures we will be implementing over the coming year. 

We apologise for the short notice, but hope you will understand that by working together we can reduce the impact of the imposition of VAT.  

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar

Useful School Contact Information

Please see below for useful school contact information:

Crescent School Office
01788 521595
Postal address: Crescent School, Bawnmore Road, Bilton, Rugby CV22 7QH
After School Club
01788 523850
Bills, Fees and Online Payment
01926 634273
01788 523851
School Uniform Shop 
01926 634272
Please click on the link below to order uniform. 
Princethorpe College General Office
01926 634200
X: @CrescentSchRug
Facebook: @cres.school
Instagram: @crescentschoolrugby

School Uniform Items Stocked At School

The following items are stocked in the School Office and can be added to your account:

  • Winter hats
  • Scarves
  • Gloves
  • Ties
  • Swimming hats
  • Sports socks
  • Hair bands
  • Hair scrunchies
  • Hair clips
  • Sun hats
  • Music group badges - Choir, Orchestra, String, Brass and Wind

Please do contact admin@crescentschool.co.uk in if you need any of the above items.

Crescent School Office