
Mr Thackway Says Goodbye To His First Reception Class

This is an extra special end of the school year for Headmaster, Mr Thackway, as he is saying goodbye to his first ever Crescent Reception class. Our Year 6 Leavers started at the Crescent at the same time as Mr Thackway took over the headship of the school back in September 2017. They were the new kids together and he has enjoyed following their exciting adventures as they have moved through the school. It's time for Year 6 to move on to new schools now and a new Headteacher so to mark the end of their school journey together we took one last group photo.


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Pre-Prep's Summer Concert Enjoyed By All

It was wonderful to be able to celebrate the musical talents of our younger children in our Pre-Prep Summer Concert.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 took turns to perform for their parents and families, enthusiastically singing their songs superbly and performing their poems proudly. There was even an amazing recording of Mini Brass our very youngest brass players, who blew their very hardest to entertain everyone.

We had a few sound issues but the children and Mrs Barnes persevered and it was so rewarding to see them all enjoying themselves so much. Well done everyone, you were incredible!

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Our KS2 Summer Concert Was Sensational

Crescent School's Summer Concert took place on Monday 1 July and it was well attended, with the school hall packed with parents and family members eager to enjoy the end of term celebration of music and song.

Rock Ensemble opened the show and they were followed by the first of many instrumental solos. Orchestra, Brass Group, Wacky Music, Flute Group and Choir all gave rousing performances. It was a truly fabulous afternoon of music and song.

Our enormous thanks and congratulations go to all Crescent School's accomplished performers who took to the stage in front of their proud parents, and of course to all their teachers and, Director of Music, Julie Barnes who have helped them achieve so much.

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