Around The Classes

Class 3LS Maths

Class 3LS have been working hard in Maths as they revisit key concepts to make sure that they can use them securely. This week they have practised expanded column addition and the compact method too. Some children even got to take a turn at being the teacher! Great work everyone!

Mrs Symons
Class 3LS Form Teacher

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Class 3SS Hedgehog Assembly

Class 3SS led a whole school assembly, as they wanted to share important information and advice about looking after hedgehogs in our neighbourhoods. They also shared their investigations around the school grounds where they looked for evidence of hedgehog activity and identified potential hazards they might face. We are looking forward to adding a hedgehog house into our Forest School which will provide the perfect habitat for future prickly visitors!

Class 3SS have been awarded certificates from the British Hedgehog Preservation Society for being such 'Good Citizens'.

Mrs Stapleton
Class 3SS Form Teacher
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Class 3SS Art

Class 3SS have been busy looking for and sketching suitable places within the school grounds to locate their own sculptures. They thought the garden at the main entrance and Forest School would be great places to have different sculptures.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art

Class 5F MFL

This week, a group of pupils studying languages at Princethorpe College came to work with the Year 5 children. They did a carousel of French and Spanish activities on a variety of topics. The Princethorpe College pupils had planned all the activities and Year 5 had lots of fun meeting them whilst learning lots of new words in French and in Spanish.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

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Class 6W Writing Anecdotes

Writing a good anecdote is a skill. It is about making a short story interesting; it needs to hook the reader and create a reaction. Class 6W based their ancedotes on their trip to Slapton and we had many laughs remembering the many experiences we had there. They also had to decide whether they were an anecdote to be listened to or to be read, and this determined their final presentation.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W English Teacher

Year 6 Maths

Class 6W released their inner designer in Maths using geometry and orientation skills to create tessellations with shape and colour. This is a mathematical skill that some find very tricky as the spatial awareness can be a challenge. Some used ready made templates and some created their own templates from scratch.

Ms Forth
Class 6W Maths Teacher
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Year 6 Computing

Year 6 have been working hard this term to prove that they are not just passive users of the internet and technology around them, but active digital producers, using their skills to make the internet a better, happier place for everyone. They demonstrated this superbly by researching, planning, creating and publishing their very own unique and highly bespoke websites on a topic of their choice. Please take a look at their websites here, or check out the display outside the ICT Suite to find their scannable QR codes!

Mr Adkins
Head of Digital Learning


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Co-Curricular Class 5F Nature Craft

In Nature Craft the children have been trying out some whittling and Nordic weaving. They have been very pleased with their creations.

If you want to give the weaving a go it's great fun - here are the instructions!

Mrs Dowling
Teacher Forest School
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Co-Curricular 4C STEM Club

Members of STEM club were challenged to build paper plane launchers using elastic bands and cardboard or Lego. They tested their initial designs and then made improvements where needed. 

Ms Clark
Class 4C Form Tutor
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