Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

The summer term has continued on its merry way this week with lots of key events going ahead and being enjoyed by children and parents alike.

Earlier today you will have received some important information regarding next year’s forms and subject leaders. Hopefully, this timing will give your children a bit of time to prepare mentally for next year, and the same for you as parents. The eagle-eyed will have spotted there is no form teacher role for Mr Webb next year, and this is all part of a cunning plan to bolster and strengthen our pastoral care provision in the school. Ms Bowdige has also taken on a Year 4 form teacher role, bringing with her a wealth of experience in this age range.

There will be plenty more detail to come at the Welcome Evening on Thursday 27 June on these and other exciting plans we have for the year ahead. I hope to see you then.

Pre-Prep sports day earlier in the week was a triumph. A really well organised event, with lots of parents attending and some gentle sunshine to encourage the children in their endeavours and exploits. It was great to be able to compliment the children on their sportsmanship and good behaviour, just as we had done for the Upper School sports day a week or so ago. With just the Reception event still to come, we are making great progress.

We enjoyed hosting some student ambassadors from Princethorpe College this week when they came over to help out with our foreign language teaching and history lessons. This is a great link up that sits well alongside the workshops the children have attended over at Princethorpe in the past. It is a great way to build relationships, and gives the children a different angle on their learning experiences.

Finally, I’d like to make a mention for the Barnaby Concert and Football Tournament that took place last weekend, both well attended and with a great community atmosphere. A number of families then went on to take part in the Wolf Run on Sunday to complete a memorable weekend.

If you are recovering this weekend, or simply enjoying some time with the family, I hope you have a good one.

Joe Thackway

Welcome Evening Invitation

Thursday 27 June 2024 - 7.00pm to 8.20pm

Dear Parents

As we come to the end of the academic year you will have noted in the calendar that this year’s Welcome Evening is planned for Thursday 27 June from 7.00pm to 8.20pm.  All parents of children who are attending the school next year are warmly invited to this important information evening and opportunity to meet staff and fellow parents.

The evening will last for around an hour and 20 minutes and will be divided into two sections. In one of these, you will spend some time in the hall with me, hearing some general messages about our exciting plans for the year ahead. In the other part of the evening, you will meet your child’s form teacher in their new classroom and hear in more detail about day-to-day provision and arrangements.

To help things run smoothly, we have arranged the evening to run as follows:

  New Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3
Years 4, 5 and 6
  Please enter by the main entrance at front of school Please enter by the pupil entrance next to the field
7.00pm - 7.40pm Presentation in the hall with refreshments Meet the teacher in new classroom
7.40pm - 8.20pm Meet the teacher in new classroom Presentation in the hall with refreshments

We will be filming my headteacher’s talk, and this will be available for viewing after the event. This means that if you have a child in both sections of the school, you have the option of attending both of the teacher talks and watching the talk at another time.

The school playground will be open for parking from 6.45pm and there will be plenty of signage around to point you in the right direction.

Please confirm attendance via the link below, before Monday 24 June:
Welcome Evening

I look forward to seeing you on the evening.

Joe Thackway