Important Information

The Barnaby Bear Football Tournament

We are all looking forward to a chance to celebrate Barnaby Williams’ amazing young life in our inaugural Barnaby Bear Football Tournament on Saturday 8 June.

To help us with our preparations, please let us know whether your child will be able to come along and play or spectate. It is open to all children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 and everyone is welcome. The likely start time will be 9:30am and we should be all finished by lunchtime. Full timings will be announced later once we know the details of the format. To some extent this will depend on the number of children wanting to take part.

There will be two mini-tournaments, one for the U9s and one for the U11s, with little trophies on offer for the winning teams and a sporty version of Barnaby Bear to be won by the overall winners. The children will take part in House teams, and there may be more than one team per House.

Please complete the form below if your child is able to take part in the tournament. If any parents would like to be involved in the morning, either refereeing, serving refreshments or coaching one of the teams, please let us know in the form below.

Barnaby Bear Football Tournament

Joe Thackway


House Easter Decoration Competition

Thank you to all of you who submitted entries for this competition. Mr Thackway showed the entries in this PowerPoint in Assembly today.  Congratulation to Niamh for her winning entry and Iris, Evelyn and Uma who were our runners up.

Well done to everyone that took part.

Mrs McCollin
Head of PE and Games