Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Some of the lovely things the children have been doing...

One of the highlights of last week was without doubt our performance of The Twinkly Nativity. The children all performed and sang beautifully, and we are so proud of them. Well done Reception super-stars!

We have written about the Christmas story and labelled toys in Santa’s sack. We have been learning to read and show o’clock times and explored simple subtraction.

In phonics we have introduced digraphs and trigraphs...

oi       ear       air        ure        er

Some of the things the children will be learning in the coming weeks...

Our topic ‘Hot and Cold’ will begin as we explore hibernation using Bear’s Winter House as our focus text.

In Maths we will start learning to recognise teen numbers as 10 and some more, exploring the value of each digit.

How to help your child at home…
  • Encourage children to write… anything! (cards, lists, letters etc.)
  • Practise counting to 20 and beyond – thinking about the value of two-digit numbers
  • Share Christmas stories – identify familiar words in the text and ask children to read along where possible
  • Keep a simple holiday diary to share in class when we return

What’s coming up/ notices/ information...

On Wednesday, our final day of term, we will be having a class Christmas party. We will enjoy party food, games and dancing!!

Please see email about Gloves for Forest School.

Thank you from the Reception team for your continued support this term. We wish you and your families a safe and happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in January.

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher

Reception Forest School

In Forest School this last fortnight we have been reminding ourselves of the importance of trees and all that they do for us. They are celebrated in many different cultures and as it was Tree Dressing day we made decorations to dress our special school trees. We used our fine motor skills to thread popcorn and leaves using a needle, made ivy wreaths and wrapped sticks in colourful wool. The children showed fabulous focus and produced some beautiful decorations that have also had the benefit of providing some winter nourishment for our school wildlife. They also contributed some great thoughts to our discussion on what trees provide for us and how we use them.

Mrs Dowling
Teaching Assistant Forest School

Class 1Q Round Up

Recently, we have used our class elf 'Ercan' to help us with our writing. We have worked on capital letters for names, using descriptive adjectives and extending our sentences with simple conjunctions. We even created our own unique elf which got up to all sorts of mischief. 

Miss Quirke
Class 1Q Form Teacher
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Class 2E Art

Class 2E have been using their colour mixing skills to paint their wonderful characters from The Three Little Pigs.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art
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Class 2W Platforms

Children in 2W spent time exploring google maps in pairs and individually. They also consolidated reading and maths skills through our abacus platform – up to date and available for children to use, as they wish, over upcoming holidays.

Mr Webb
Class 2W Form Teacher

Year 2 Shuffle Ball

This week Year 2 had a go at playing Mr Adkins' all time favourite game, Shuffle Ball! The key rules include that to move around you must shuffle on your bottoms, you can’t move with the ball, and the rule they struggled the most with… you are not allowed to talk! The game encourages moving in space, teamwork, passing skills, quick passing, the ability to be quiet, and on top of that is a whole lot of fun!

Mr Adkins
Year 2 PE Teacher

Year 2 Science

In Science, Year 2 have been learning about the different human life stages and how we grow and change. The pupils carried out an investigation to find out if arms, heads and feet grow as we get older. Using their superb measurement skills, they had fun collecting data from pupils throughout the school. 

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT

Year 2 French

Year 2 have been studying the topic of clothes. They have been describing the outfits of a variety of famous people and also singing along to the karaoke song on Language Angels. Here they are piecing together letters on pieces of card in order to spell clothes vocabulary correctly.

Congratulations to Juliette’s group who were the first to finish in 2E and Sarima's group in 2W.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher
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