What a fabulous afternoon we have had marking the occasion of His Majesty King Charles III’s coronation this coming weekend. We wish King Charles and Queen Camilla the very best for the future and hope that all of our community enjoy the upcoming weekend of celebrations.

Our cover photo shows some of the children dressed in their red, white and blue for our Coronation Celebration Day. 

As always we have had a very busy week in school so do read on to find out all that has been happening in school.


Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

We look forward to an almost unique weekend and the coronation of King Charles III on Saturday. Despite being very old myself, this will be the first coronation I have witnessed in my lifetime and of course it will be the first for very many of us. My mum is an exception, and she does remember crowding round a neighbour’s brand new 12-inch TV screen to watch as a teenager back in 1953. Perhaps our Crescent children will be recalling this event themselves in 70 years’ time.

We have tried to recognise this special occasion in school in the right way in the week gone by, whilst respecting that not everybody sees things in exactly the same way when it comes to national events.

We enjoyed an afternoon of traditional English fete style activities on the field today as well as a parade of the fun crown competition entries. In assembly in the morning, we watched together a short video showing some background to the coronation and a little bit about the life of Charles. I expect, like you, I will be dipping in and out of the coverage on Saturday and we all hope the occasion goes well for everyone involved.

I was able to get out and about during the week in school and spent some time over at the Year 3 residential camp in Whitemoor Lakes. Of course, the children were tremendously excited and whilst not accustomed to spending time away from home, they behaved really well, and I was just pleased to see the natural enthusiasm of everyone involved.

I also spent a lovely afternoon on the same day over at Crackley Hall umpiring a cricket game for the mixed ability team, which was most enjoyable. Cricket is not an easy sport to play, certainly in the bowling department, and it felt like a comfortable and happy environment to develop your game without the scrutiny of too many critical observers. In fact, the range of matches that afternoon, from our excellent A team down, showed very well our inclusive approach to sport and it was pleasing to note the friendly and considerate behaviour all of the children involved.

However you choose to spend your elongated weekend, I hope you enjoy it with your families and I look forward to seeing the children for assembly next Tuesday to reflect on the events of the weekend. 

Joe Thackway


Important Information

Sun Awareness Week

We started the week with a Sun Safety assembly, where the children were reminded why the sun is our friend, but also why we need to treat it with respect. We learned all about the six Sun S’s:

Slip, Slop, Slap and Seek, Slide, Slurp!

We thanked our new UV Monitor, Olivia in 6W for all her hard work with the UV Index board in the Horton Centre and we revealed our exciting competition.

The children have been invited to design a sun safety poster incorporating the six Sun S’s. These can be designed on the computer or by hand. The closing date is Friday 26 May and the two winners, one from upper school and one from lower school, will be announced and prizes awarded, after the half term break. All entries will be displayed around the school.

Mrs Noyce
First Aid Lead

Year 6 Travelling To and From School Independently

It is always good to see that Year 6 are becoming more independent in readiness for their senior schools. Please can you let Mrs Tucker and me know what days your child is getting to or from school independently and if they will have a phone with them, which we will then look after in the office until the end of the day.  

Thank you

Mrs  Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

Big Battery Hunt - Reminder

Crescent School is taking part in the Big Battery Hunt. A national competition for schools to collect and recycle batteries.  

Pupils will be given a small box (one per family) to place your old batteries in and bring them into school (some classes will receive the boxes this week and some next week). There are four types of batteries we can recycle - AAA / AA / C / D. Please follow the safety guidelines (in this document) when handling batteries. 

We will be keeping a count of all batteries collected and recycled and will submit our final number to the competition by Friday 16 June 2023. Crescent can win great prizes if we top the national leader board with the highest number of batteries recycled by one school. 

In addition, there will be an opportunity for a pupil to be entered into an additional competition - Battery Recycling Pioneer for the Month of May.

If you would like any further information, please contact me:
Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT

Weekly Information

Weekly Calendar

Weekly Calendar
Please click on the link below to view next week's calendar:
After School 
Provision can be booked through My School Portal selecting the sessions you require.
If you require your child to have tea, please ensure bookings are made by 10.00am each day. 
Crescent School

Lunch Menu

Please click below to view the lunch menu for next school week, children are able to have either the Main or Vegetarian option. 

Lunch Menu 8 May 2022

Crescent School

Music Lesson Timetable

Click on the link below to view the Music Lesson timetable next week:

Music Lessons - 8 May 

Lessons may not be able to be rearranged if children do not have their instruments in school.

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music



Crescent's Coronation Celebrations

The Crescent School has enjoyed a special day of celebrations to mark the coronation of King Charles III. Staff and children came to school in red, white and blue and the day began with a special assembly with Mr Thackway talking about the new king.

At lunchtime the children munched their way through a special Friday ‘fish and chips’ picnic out on the field, rounded off with a special celebratory cake.

Although the weather tried its hardest to rain off the afternoon’s activities, staff quickly relocated all their traditional games inside and the fun carried on. Pupils played skittles, beat the goalie, decorated flags and biscuits, played boules and darts, and guessed the name of the teddy, the older pupils mixing with the younger, encouraging and helping everyone to join in all the fun. The sun came out just in time for everyone to enjoy their ice creams and the afternoon was finished off with a wonderful parade of celebratory crowns and a magnificent rendition of God Save The King.

We hope everyone enjoys their weekend of celebrations.

Crescent’s Great Coronation Bake Off

Year 6 pupils at the Crescent School took part in a special DT Challenge this week when they channelled their inner Mary Berry and went all out to win the school’s Coronation Bake Off. Their task was to design, bake and decorate a Victoria Sponge cake to mark His Majesties King Charles III’s coronation.

Pupils worked in teams and began by carefully designing their cakes. Mrs Johnson then provided all the ingredients, and, on Thursday, Year 6 got busy baking. Friday morning was all about the decoration and the youngsters spent period 2 excitedly creating their stunning designs, we had crowns and bunting and all sorts of creations!

Judging all the cakes were Mr Adkins, Mrs Dowling and Mrs Stephenson, who happily took on the hard work of tasting them all. In addition to the texture and taste of the sponge they considered, the creativity of the decoration and how the fillings complimented the cake.

After much deliberation the results were: in first place Ellie, Grace M and Zahra, in second place Charlie, Harry and Sam and in joint third place Chloe, Mya and Bella and Ava, Alex and Grace C. A really big well done to everyone though, as it was a very close decision.

Mrs Johnson, said, “Our bakers were just incredible, the effort and creativity put into making their cakes has been amazing. Well done everyone.”

View Gallery

Olive Catering Update

Please see attached presentation from Tom Jackson, Olive Catering Manager showing some of the lovely food our new manger Dawn has produced.

Olive Catering

Tom Jackson
Operations Manager
Olive Catering


Crescent School Open Evening For Prospective Parents

Tuesday 9 May - 5.00pm to 7.00pm

Please share news of our Open Evening for prospective pupils.

Prospective pupils and their parents are warmly invited to Crescent School's Open Evening on Tuesday 9 May 2023 - 5.00pm to 7.00pm.

Come and find out why Crescent School has been judged Excellent in all areas by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. It's a great opportunity for prospective families to get a feel for the school and to meet, Mr Thackway, Headmaster.

We are already taking registrations for places in Reception and Year 3 starting in September 2024. 

To book your place please click here

For more information or to talk to our Admissions Team, please contact our Registrar Mrs Helen Morley on 01788 523851 or by email admissions@crescentschool.co.uk.

Availability for September 2023: 

We have had very high levels of interest in places for Reception and our Year 3 class for September 2023 entry. As a result, we have already allocated all of the available places in these year groups for September 2023. We are now operating waiting groups for families who are still interested in a place, should a suitable one become available.

We are currently operating waiting groups in most other years apart from our current Reception and Year 1 classes (Year 1 and 2 for September 2023 entry).

To find out more please click here.

Open Corridors

Friday 12 May 2023 - 3.45pm to 4.15pm

On Friday 12 May, after school, we will have our Open Corridors event where we will share with you all the great work that we have been doing in school.

Please collect your child before entering through the front door where you will be welcomed in to look at all the great work in school from 3.45pm. Entry and exit will only be through the front doors. Last entry is at 3.55pm. On this day Years 5 and 6 will be dismissed through the pupil door

If your child is in a Co-curricular club then they will be expected to attend unless you arrange otherwise. Parking will be available on the playground.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Class And Group Photographs

Friday 12 May 2023 - 09.00am to 12.00pm

Class and group photos, including music groups, will be taken on Friday 12 May. Please ensure children are wearing their summer uniform, have sports kit in school and any musical instruments.

Crescent School

Class 6W Celebration Breakfast

Wednesday 17 May 2023 - 9.00am to 10.00am

The celebration breakfast for 6W is on Wednesday 17 May. We will be eating around 9am, so the children in 6W will only require a light breakfast at home (and no snack required) so they can fully enjoy all the treats that Mrs Milioplulis will be laying out for us.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

Reception Show And Tell

Wednesday 24 May 2023 - 9.15am to 9.45am or Thursday 25 May 2023 - 2.45pm to 3.15pm

This is an opportunity to share your child's learning journey through Reception. 

One parent is able to attend either of the sessions below.  Entry will be via the afterschool entrance by the side of school where parents normally collect Reception children.

Wednesday 24 May 0915 - 0945
Thursday 25 May 1445 - 1515
Mrs Pullen 
Reception Class Teacher


Non-Uniform Day In Aid Of Pawprints Dog Rescue

Friday 26 May 2023

We will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 26 May with all proceeds going to this term's chosen charity, Pawprints Dog Rescue. 

Please send a £1 donation with your child to be given to their form teacher.

Thank you.

Ms Clark
School Council Lead

Princethorpe College Summer Open Evening

Wednesday 7 June - 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Princethorpe College's annual Summer Open Evening will take place on Wednesday 7 June from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. This is a perfect opportunity for prospective families looking for a place in September 2024 and beyond to visit the school, for children to take part in departmental activities and for parents to meet and chat to members of staff and pupils.

The Headmaster will also address visitors during the evening. Light refreshments will be available.

Please click here to book your place. 


Junior da Vinci Students

These children have achieved their full Junior da Vinci awards.

  • Tegan in 6W, Leela and Shayla in 5F in Art
  • Chloe and Saira in 6W for Geography. James in 5F and Uma in 2E in English and Poppy in 6W for Latin
  • Timi in 5F becomes a double student in Mathematics. Well done to you all

Well done to you all!

Mrs Symons
JdV Lead

View Gallery

Accelerated Reader Achievement

The Accelerated Reading award this week goes to: 

  • Millionaire – Edward G-H (5F)
Keep up the great reading.
Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant

Accelerated Reader Top Quizzers And Word Wizards

Top Word Wizards and Quizzers this week are:

Top Quizzers are:

  • 3S Mithun
  • 4C MingYi
  • 5F Oliver
  • 6W Esme

Word Wizards are:

  • 3S Aria 
  • 4C Aryaan
  • 5F Timi
  • 6W Zahra

Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant


Pre-Prep Reading Certificates

Pre-Prep reading certificates have this week been awarded to:

  • Anaya
  • Charlotte D
  • David
  • Evie
  • Finn
  • Florence
  • James
  • Juliette
Well done to you all.
Mr Webb
Head of Pre-Prep


Times Table Rock Stars

Garage and Gigs are the most important games to show your progress.

Pupils who have reached landmark % on automatic training mode in the Garage and Gigs and therefore are awarded JDVs for Maths Practice this week:

  • David (2E) has completed 24% of the course

Results for Battle 27 April - 4 May 2023. 1Q, 1E, 2W, 2E against each other- average score per class member:

  • 1st 2W - 74
  • 2nd 1Q - 34
  • 3rd 2E - 13

Most valuable players in the whole competition:

  • 1st Hannah 1Q
  • 2nd Eve 2W
  • 3rd Alice 2W

Well done, 2W! 🏆

No most improved speedsters this week.

Battle between 6W, 5F, 4C and 3S from 4 - 11 May 2023. 

TT Rock stars will block 2x,5x,10x,11x on jamming if you are efficient at them, so you cannot pick easy ones just to score more points in the completion! 

Please note only the children should play on their account or it influences the level appropriate to them.

Stay Calm and Rock on!!

Art Frizzmeister
Deputy Head

Artist and Scientists Of The Week

Well done to this week's Artists and Scientists of the Week:


  • Max (2W)
  • Penelope (2W)
  • Matthew (4C)
  • MingYi (4C)
  • Shayla (5F)
  • Sofie (5F)
  • 4C - Brandon Marsh Trip
Well done all.

Crescent School

View Gallery

Around The Classes

Forest School Round Up Week 2

This week in Forest School the children helped to start building our fire circle, moving benches and fetching sitting logs so now we have a lovely place to be together and a safe place for any tool work. An activity that was enjoyed across the year groups was how to get the swing out of the tree (that Mrs Dowling had accidently got stuck – oops). The children showed fabulous ingenuity, excellent problem-solving skills and amazing resilience when their attempts were unsuccessful! In fact, some children enjoyed it so much they wanted to throw the swing back up again! Some children had a go at whittling, making pegs to secure our hearth in weeks to come, some searched for fungi, some built and decorated a huge hedgehog home, some decorated special wands, some used a magnifying glass to inspect parts of a slug and some made a water slide for leaves. All (including me) had a big smile after getting to spend some time outside in nature.

Mrs Dowling
Teaching Assistant - Forest School
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Class 3S Whitemoor Lakes

Class 3S had a truly amazing time at Whitemoor Lakes this week. They tried climbing, archery, completed a challenge course and learned some great circus skills. They also learned the importance of teamwork, tolerance and understanding and supporting and caring for each other. They are also full of super campfire songs! Thanks too to all the great staff who accompanied them.

There are lots of photos, so Mr Adkins has kindly agreed to put them together in a Vimeo which will be sent out to the Class 3S parents in due course.

Mrs Symons 
Class 3S Form Teacher

Class 3S And 4C Music

In Music classes 3S and 4C have been learning to play accompaniments to the song Loki the Joker. Using chime bars and percussion they took turns to play the melody and rhythmic patterns. This required hand co-ordination and a sense of rhythm, as well as superb listening skills.

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music
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Class 4C Brandon Marsh Trip

Class 4C had a day full of sun and fun last Tuesday at Brandon Marsh Nature Reserve. The children enjoyed hunting for minibeasts and identifying them, using quadrants to observe how the ground in the forest and the meadow habitats differ and pond dipping. It was an informative and action-packed day.  

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT
View Gallery

Class 4C Mr Stink

Earlier this week, Year 4 immersed themselves into the world of Mr Stink by role playing what might happen if he found himself in an enclosed, crowded space. We had cafe customers rushing out in a panic, travellers leaping from ferries and ice creams melted by the stench of his breath! The children turned their role play ideas into punctuated direct speech, building up the skills needed to write a short story later this half term. 

Ms Clark
Class 4C Teacher

Class 5F Spanish

Year 5 have been researching Spanish cities and regions and they have produced some excellent display work as a homework task. Popular choices have been Madrid, Barcelona and Pamplona. This week the pupils are continuing to learn how to talk about their free time activities in Spanish.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher
View Gallery

Class 5F Maths

Class 5F are starting to realise that all mathematical skills that they have learnt at school connect so they can perform more complicated mathematics. We have been multiplying fractions by whole numbers this week. Skills you need to be successful with to achieve this are:

  • reading and writing numbers
  • writing the calculation correctly
  • using = sign for every conversion
  • understanding what a proper fraction is
  • understanding what an improper fraction is
  • converting improper fractions to mixed numbers
  • understanding whole numbers and remainders
  • identifying a fraction that can be simplified
  • identifying factors
  • knowing multiplication facts
  • knowing division facts
  • correct layout and use of notation

And there was plenty of success. With the way maths is taught in 2023 at Crescent, which is so different to 'when I was at school', we forget that the build up of skills is integral to consolidating understanding, rather than just showing a method by rote that is forgotten or cannot be corrected without starting again!

Ms Forth
Deputy Head

Year 5 And Year 6 Calligraphy Club

I think this is the quietest club with the most concentration that I have ever run. The children had access to a variety of pens and papers and were learning some key skills. Some children were already experts and were offering great advice to the others.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head
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Year 6 English

As part of our English this term, Year 6 are aware of themselves and the impact they can have on each other, their own mindset but also the world around them. They are using a variety of English skills to teach others about Climate Change, what it means and focusing on an aspect of change that can be made. The starting point to this is planning and research.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher
View Gallery

Street Dance Assembly By FunStar Education

Year 1 and 2 were treated to a very interactive assembly on Thursday by our co-curricular providers Funstar Education. They had the children doing some great Street Dance moves. There are some spaces in the co-curricular club on a Wednesday for any children in Years 1-4, should they wish to join.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head


U9 Cricket Round Up

Boys U9s A vs Crackley Boys U9s A
Crescent U9 Boys started their cricket season with a real thriller against Crackley, coming away as 25 run winners. Batting first, sensible shots and excellent running saw them reach a score of 158, Lewis and Ed W the pick of the batters. In reply Crescent fielded well as a team, tight bowling restricting Crackley to 133 runs, Matthew and Lewis both taking 2 wickets each. Player of the match went to Maxi for superb all round play.
Girls U9s A vs Crackley Girls U9s A 
Another fantastic game of cricket saw Crescent Girls beating Crackley by 11 runs. Batting first Crescent amassed 150 runs, MingYi, Esme and Lilah all starring with the bat. In reply Crackley fell just short with a score of 139, Nora taking two superb wickets. Unanimous player of the match was Lilah for her incredible all-round play.
Mixed U9s B vs Crackley Mixed U9s B
The mixed side also triumphed in their opening game with a fantastic 127 to 96 run win. This was down to a super all round team performance with some wonderful bowling, concentrating on accuracy and straight arm action. Joint players of the match were Alfie for his batting, Tomisin for his bowling, Kian for his fielding and Thomas for his all-round play.

Mr Adkins, Mrs McCollin & Mrs Dowling

U11 Cricket Round Up

U11s A Boys vs Crackley U11s A Boys
The U11s boys side started their season in fantastic fashion with an accomplished performance against Crackley, winning by an absolutely massive 105 runs. Batting first, they approached the task with excellent shot selection and clever running, only losing 1 wicket and all batters contributing runs to reach a score of 199. Ed G-H was the stand out performer with the bat, hitting two 4s and a massive 6. In reply Crescent proved just as deadly with the ball, strong fielding and accurate bowling taking 12 wickets and leaving Crackley with a score of 94. Player of the match went to Alex G for his superb hat-trick, taking 3 wickets in his first 3 balls.
U11s A Girls vs Crackley U11s A Girls
Not to be outdone by the boys, the U11s girls also kicked off their season with emphatic win, beating Crackley by 33 runs. Batting first Crescent scored 193 runs, with sensible batting and good calling seeing them only lose 1 wicket. In reply, tight and accurate bowling kept the Crackley score down to 160. Player of the match as voted by both the coaches and players was Emily, who was excellent with both the bat and the ball.
U11s Mixed B vs Crackley U11s Mixed B
The U11s Mixed side completed a fantastic away trip to Crackley with a 23 run victory, making it 3 from 3 for the Crescent teams! Bowling first Crescent kept the opposition score down to a very miserly 93, straight bowling and constant wickets making it very difficult to score. In reply Crescent made 116, with some nice shots and super running between the wickets. Player of the match was Albert, for his determination and attacking approach.

Mr Adkins, Mr Thackway & Mrs Dowling

FoC Events

FoC - Class 1Q Market Day Bake Sale

Friday 26 May 2023 - 3.30pm to 5.00pm

Please come along and support the FoC by buying cakes and sweets, all priced at 50p each. All the money raised at these market day events goes towards privilege time for Class 1Q.

Friends of Crescent


FoC Update

We hope everyone enjoyed the Bingo as much as we did. It was so lovely to see families out together and having a good time. The pizzas proved very welcome during the break as did the bar (although judging by how quickly the Smarties sold out these were the main winner of the evening). 

As always we can't run these events without the support of the school and our fabulous committee, so a huge thanks to Ms Forth for 'calling' and to Mr & Mrs Webb for running the bar, in addition to all those who helped set-up and tidy everything away. Finally a special mention to FoC secretary Laura who is sleeping significantly better since the 55 pizzas were delivered! 

Summer Fete!
Somehow we are almost at Summer Fete time. This year it is on a Saturday to coordinate with the 75th anniversary of the school so please make sure you have Saturday 10 June 12 - 2.30pm in your diaries! We'll be asking for raffle and tombola contributions soon. 

Inez de Koning
Foc Chair
View Gallery


Useful School Contact Information And Links

Please see below for useful school contact information:

Crescent School Office
01788 521595
Postal address: Crescent School, Bawnmore Road, Bilton, Rugby CV22 7QH
After School Club
Miss Wrzesniacka
01788 523850
Bills, Fees and Online Payment
01926 634273
01788 523851
School Shop and Uniform
01926 634272
Platform Links:

Term Dates

Click here to view the term dates for 2022/23 and 2023/24.

Crescent School



School Uniform Items Stocked At School

The following items are stocked in the School Office and can be added to your account:

  • Winter hats
  • Scarves
  • Gloves
  • Ties
  • Swimming hats
  • Sports socks
  • Hair bands
  • Hair scrunchies
  • Hair clips
  • Sun hats
  • Music group badges - Choir, Orchestra, String, Brass and Wind

Please do contact admin@crescentschool.co.uk in if you need any of the above items.

Crescent School Office

The Princethorpe Foundation Employment Opportunities

The Foundation has the following vacancies:

Princethorpe College

  • Registrar
  • Teacher of Spanish
  • Rugby Coach
  • Graduate Sports Coach

Full details and information on how to apply are available on the Foundation website here:


Should you know anyone who might be interested in these posts, please do share this information with them.