Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

It has been another quite chilly week in school but nevertheless a productive one and there are plenty of lovely stories for you to enjoy once again in this week’s edition of the Courier.

I enjoyed an hour or so over at Rugby School earlier in the week watching the U11 girls taking part in the national netball finals. I was so proud to see them there in amongst the very best in the country in the independent sector and holding their own in the matches that they played. They have been wearing their rather smart hoodies in school today and we all recognise the achievement of the team in getting so far in this prestigious tournament.

Earlier in the week the children enjoyed the inter-house geography final for the year, where the Year 6 children were able to demonstrate their knowledge and mental agility in answering questions on a wide range of geographical questions. Well done to the Blue House for their ultimate success but also to all the children for taking part, both in the preliminary rounds and the final itself.

We are about to embark on the season of residential visits for the upper school children and the first of these departs on Tuesday next week with the Year 3s making their way over to Whitemoor Lakes. I am looking forward to joining them for an evening around the campfire and I know that they will be excited over the long weekend ahead and getting ready for their first time away with a school trip. It is such a valuable learning experience for the children and hopefully will be the first of many in their school careers. Being outside for long periods in the day, being with your friends and generally just being that little bit outside your comfort zone for a period of time, are all great character builders that will stand them all in good stead.

With an extended weekend ahead of us, I hope you are able to get in some downtime with your families and, who knows, even enjoy some of the slightly warmer weather that is predicted for the weekend.

With all best wishes from me.

Joe Thackway