Digital Citizenship

Cyber Resilience – Making Your Household As Safe As You Can

In the last couple of decades, the volume of online traffic has increased exponentially – and with it has the amount of people trying to take criminal advantage of this. Despite how aware we have become of the concept of online scams, and how topical they are, more and more people globally are falling victim to them every single day.

Criminals continue to find new and devious ways to attempt to hijack our online transactions and harvest our private information. To them, the smart devices that many of us now use as standard at home are simply a convenient back door into our lives – and our networks. This week’s guide is one for the whole family, to make your household as safe and as scam-proof as possible. In the guide you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as how to use a password manager, how to back up your data and how to check for breaches.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Mr Adkins
Head of Digital Learning

Crescent School Podcast - Episode 3

Welcome to another thrilling episode of the Crescent School Podcast! In this edition, we have features including ‘Test the Teacher’ a musical showcase, football skills, more terrible jokes and a superb interactive crafts tutorial! If you have any feedback about the podcast, please let us know!

Episode 3

Mr Adkins & The Year 6 Podcasters