Important Information

Parent Survey Feedback

First of all, many thanks to all of you who completed our parental satisfaction survey in the second part of last term. In all, we had 65 completed responses out of a total number of families in the school of 141. This equates to a 46% response rate.

The report asked for responses to specific questions, relating to all aspects of the school’s operations. The questions were based to some extent on those used by the Independent School’s Inspectorate and were similar to the ones many of you answered a year ago as part of our inspection. 

Broadly, it is gratifying to see that the overwhelming majority of families hold the school in high regard, and it is particularly pleasing to see 97% and more of you feeling that your child is happy and feels safe in the school. Another pleasing statistic was the number of people who felt they would be able to recommend us to friends and relatives, which was very close to 100%, with just one ‘don’t know’. We continue to strive to provide the absolute best education we can for the children and continue to welcome parent feedback in all its guises and hope that this survey gave you the opportunity to put forward your views. 

As you look through the statistics, it is worth remembering that the dark blue parts of the bar indicate either ‘not applicable’ or ‘don’t know’, rather than a negative response. For example, when asked about SEN provision, 74% of you sensibly responded ‘don’t know’ as you haven’t had direct contact with that department in the school. 

There were also opportunities for parents to give more general feedback on any of the areas that were covered, in the form of written responses. For example, there were comments, mostly positive, about the school uniform and school dinners. Other areas that received a number of comments were the way behaviour incidents are dealt with and the reporting of pupil progress to parents.

Whilst I don't intend to try to collate those written answers in this letter, they have all been duly noted and taken on board. I will be referring to them in other communications and initiatives that we are considering and look forward to rolling out in the terms ahead. 

There is an old dictum, attributed to Abraham Lincoln I think (probably wrongly), that says, in short, that we can't please all the people all of the time. Whilst we recognise the truth in that, it's not an excuse for complacency or not treating individual comments with the seriousness that they deserve. We do recognise the validity in many of the points that were raised, and they have been most useful in helping us to formulate responses, some of which you will see in the near future and some further ahead.

I hope you find the graphics helpful (click here to view) and we will continue to seek the your views as we move forward, and use this information to inform our planning and development over the terms and years ahead. Thanks once again for all of your constructive input.

Joe Thackway

LAMDA Exams Deadline For Entry

LAMDA exams will be held on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 March. Throughout the winter, during their Speech and Drama lessons, all pupils have been working on and preparing poems set by the external examinations board - LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art). 

Pupils that want to participate in these exams will develop the ability to share either one or two poems (depending on their grade) and respond to questions with confidence, while also enhancing their memory and recall skills.  

Please complete the form below for both the LAMDA showcase and LAMDA Exams by Sunday 15 January 2023


Entries cannot be accepted after this date.

Miss Bowdige
Head of Drama